Matthew 1:1-17 Luke 3:23-38

When we read through the genealogies of Jesus recorded in Matthew and Luke we can observe a couple of things that appear to be significant.  Perhaps the most significant observation we can make is simply the fact that these family generations were known and seem to be important to the Lord.  God clearly had a plan of redemption that He carried out in a purposeful manner going all the way back to Adam.  He accomplished that plan through the lives of men and women.  These men and women were of very different character and varied abilities but they were used of God in His plan of redemption none the less.  Some of the names listed here are famous and we have entire books of the Bible dedicated to their histories.  Other people listed here we know almost nothing about, besides the fact that they are recorded for us here.  God continues to accomplish His plan of redemption in the world today through the lives of a wide variety of people that serve in a wide variety of ways.  It is hard to do an expository outline of the genealogies apart from doing a biographical sketch on every person mentioned so I would just like to make three observations about these lists.

JESUS IS THE MESSIAH: Perhaps this is the main point as to way the genealogies are recorded.  Both Matthew and Luke want to demonstrate that Jesus, in every way, fulfilled the requirements of the Old Testament for the Messiah.  Matthew traces the genealogy of Jesus from Abraham forward to Mary.  Luke traces the genealogy of Jesus backwards from Joseph all the way to Adam.  The point of this was simply to demonstrate that Jesus was qualified through His ancestry to be Messiah.  His is the rightful heir to the throne of David through both Mary and Joseph.  He was conceived of the Holy Spirit through Mary so is the Son of God.  He was born into the house of and is the legal heir of Joseph and Luke presents Jesus as the Son of man.  Clearly God is in control of the happenings on the earth.  He had a carefully orchestrated plan to bring Jesus into the world at the right time and the right place.  He continues to accomplish His plan today through our lives.   

GOD USES SINNERS: As we read through these lists of men and women; we cannot help but notice that there are some rather savory characters mentioned all along the way.  Liars, murderers, adulterers, idolaters, polygamists, thieves, traitors, cowards and many other sins were all a part of the reputation of the people mentioned in these lists.  That is not to say, in any way, that God approves of these sins.  However, it should be an encouragement to all of us who struggle with sin to know that God can still use us to accomplish His purposes in and through our lives.  The reality is that sinners are all that are available to God because we are all sinners.  However, we can also see in these lists that there were a wide variety of responses to sinfulness.  Some of the most serious sinners in these lists are considered to be heroes of the faith because they repented of their sin and responded correctly to them.  We all have sinned and will continue to do so.  What is important to God is how we respond to that sin.

GOD MENTIONED WOMEN: There are four women besides Mary mentioned in Matthew’s genealogy.  Certainly the above point is true about all of them.  Of the four, two were prostitutes, Tamar and Rehab.  Two were adulteresses, Tamar and Bathsheba.  These are not the types of women that we would typically want to highlight in our family tree.  We should in no way misconstrue the fact that these women are mentioned as some sort of an approval of their actions. Rather, it should be a testimony to the grace of God and an encouragement to all of us to know that God forgives sin.  It is also interesting to note that both Tamar and Ruth were Gentiles that became a part of the lineage of Jesus.  This should serve as a reminder that God is a God of all the nations and desires to reach all of the nations for Himself.  It is also interesting to observe that Tamar, Ruth, Bathsheba and most likely even Rehab were widows who remarried into the line of Jesus.  God is a specialist and bringing good things into our lives even through the greatest tragedies that we might face in our lives.

APPLICATION: We can always rest assured that God is in control of the events of this world and He is working through people both small and great to accomplish His will.  We can take comfort in the fact that God came to save sinners through repentance and faith.  He is able to use any one of us no matter what we have done.  God will do the unexpected and use our tragedies and even, at times, our own sinfulness to accomplish His will in our lives.


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