Luke 6:24-26
Instant gratification is very attractive to most
people. Very few people are interested
in suffering now in order to benefit in the future. Jesus taught that present suffering should be
a source of great joy because it will result in eternal rewards. Those who are more interested in passing comfort
on earth will miss out on eternal rewards in heaven. This stands in stark contrast with to the
blessings recorded in the beatitudes.
Luke records four blessings and four woes. The blessings were about being faithful in
the face of suffering. The woes are
about the negative consequences of living for the passing comforts in this
world. None of these woes are evil in
and of themselves; but they can easily become idols in our lives and cause us
to lose the blessings that are associated with following Jesus. Though there are four woes, I think they
divide naturally into two categories. The
danger of these things is that they are very attractive to us. Which means we must intentionally guard our
hearts against these areas becoming idols in our hearts.
PROSPERITY: Those who are wealthy in this world are said to
be receiving their comfort in full. The
problem is not with wealth in and of itself.
The problem is when we use our wealth for the purpose of promoting our
own comfort above the advancement of the kingdom. Given the choice, most of us would prefer
comfort over suffering. However, God
uses suffering to make us like Jesus, which is why joy and suffering always
walk hand in hand in the Scriptures. The
other woe in this category is for those who are well fed. Jesus teaches that they will be hungry. This sounds like a complete contradiction in
our minds because it does not make sense that the well fed could be
hungry. Obviously, we are not talking
about physical hunger on this earth.
Jesus is explaining that those who live for accumulating wealth and
eating the fines foods will suffer lose.
Those who live for the purpose of prosperity will always find themselves
hungry because they will never be satisfied.
They will always want something that is bigger and better. God wants us to be satisfied and grateful for
all He has given us no matter how much or how little that might be. Prosperity is not sinful but it commonly
leads men into the sin of worshiping money or the things money can buy. Lots of food and lots of money can be very
dangerous to our souls. If God grants
prosperity; we can be assured He plans to use those resources to further His
kingdom not for making our “kingdoms” more comfortable.
two woes are about laughing and being well-spoken of. This cannot mean that God wants us to stop
laughing and start trying to offend people so they hate us. God commands us to rejoice and to be above
reproach as examples to a lost and dying world.
However, we cannot live for these things as a priority in our
lives. Rejoicing in the Lord and all He
has done is not the same as frivolity which lives only for the present without
thought for the consequences for the future.
We have many reasons for rejoicing.
God has forgiven our sins, we have the promise of the reassertion, the
Word of God has been translated into our language and we have freedom to
worship God as we see fit. The Bible
teaches that all who will have been redeemed should be joyful. We all like for others to accept us and there
have been times where we want someone to go do something with us that we know
is wrong. Sinful people like to drag
others down instead of building them up.
God calls us to not be concerned with what other people might say or
think about us. We cannot live with the fear
of man as an idol in our lives and expect our lives to be pleasing to the Lord. Popularity is very attractive to us but it
can easily become an idol in our lives.
We must always be concerned with the well-being of others. Just because something is popular does not
make it right. Political correctness
might be very attractive to us and popular, but God calls us to holiness and
discipline no matter what the cost might be.
APPLICATION: We must never live for the purpose of attaining prosperity. We have been called to worship Him and seek to call others into a right relationship with Him too. God’s kingdom must be more important to us than our own wealth. We must not idolize popularity. We must walk in the fear of God and not the fear of men.
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