Matthew 5:6-8 Luke 6:21

Holiness is a standard set by God that none of us will achieve this side of heaven.  However, it will be the reality of every person who has trusted Christ for salvation for all of eternity.  A large part of what will make heaven such a wonderful place is the fact that we will all walk in holiness all the time.  There will be no sin so there will be no sorrow.  Our happiness in heaven will be complete because our holiness will be complete.  Since that is true, it only stands to reason that our happiness on earth will be proportionate to our holiness on earth.  The pursuit of happiness guaranteed in the Bill of Rights of the United States can only truly be successful through the pursuit of holiness.  Too often we have an incorrect image of God in our minds.  We picture Him as being angry and sad.  While it is true that God hates sin, and is broken hearted over the consequences sin inflicts on us, His creation; God, by His very nature, is full of joy.  God is the happiest person in the universe.  The key to being able to share in His happiness is to share in His holiness.  Today’s text examines three ways that we should strive for holiness.

HUNGER FOR HOLINESS: Desires tell us a lot about our hearts.  When our hearts are full of desire for God and His Word, holiness will be the results we see in our lives.  Unfortunately, the desires of our hearts are often focused on sinful lusts that promise pleasure but always leave us broken and hurting.  Physical hunger is an almost constant companion from the day we are born until the day we die.  If we go very long without food or water we begin to feel hungry or thirsty.  Those feelings become a driving force in our lives that become stronger with each passing moment that we don’t eat or drink.  The only time we don’t feel hungry is when we are sick or when we are satisfied.  A huger for righteousness is a sign of spiritual health.  The recognition of our sinfulness in humility should create a hunger for holiness.  The sinful realities we see in our hearts should create a craving in our souls to be set free from sin and become like Christ.  The promise of God’s Word is that those who truly hunger and thirst after righteousness will be satisfied.  God loves to satisfy our desire for holiness.  Hunger is a great analogy for the process of sanctification because it is a constant pursuit that brings intense satisfaction.  In Brazil, we have all you can eat steakhouses where a large variety of meats are cooked over an open flame and then cut from the sizzling hot skewer right onto the plate.  The moment you walk into the restaurant, the smells from the grill fill your mouth with water.  You can’t wait to put the meat in your mouth.  An hour or so later you waddle out holding your stomach wishing you could stand to eat more.  At that moment, you no longer feel hunger and you think you will never be able to eat again, but in a few short hours you are both hungry and thirsty.  God wants the constant desire of our hearts to be for His holiness.  Through His Spirit and His Word, He will bless us with an abundant supply that will only deepen our desire to grow in holiness. 

GIVE FORGIVENESS: Mercy is what flows from a holy heart.  When we recognize our sin and mourn over our own sinfulness, we are quick to extend mercy to others because we understand the depth of our own sinfulness.  The unforgiving and unmerciful are the way they are because their hearts are full of pride and self-righteousness.  The path to holiness begins at humility and is accompanied by mercy along every step of the way.  In our minds, we often associate holiness with grumpy old people who are constantly looking down their noses at people while they wag their fingers at shake their heads at the sinful people they think surround them.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  That is a picture of self-righteousness that Satan sells to sinful souls as counterfeit holiness.  The Pharisees and many in the church going crowd throughout history have been buying up this falsified faith as if it were Black Friday.  It has nothing whatsoever to do with the true holiness that comes from God.  God’s holiness is only available to those who see their sin, are broken hearted over their sin, have a tender heart before God that longs to be like God and then demonstrate that all these things are true by being merciful towards others who are in the exact same boat.  Those who have experienced God’s forgiveness will be quick to forgive the offenses of others.  When God sees repentance and faith that flow from humbled hearts; He forgives us of our sin and begins the process of making us holy by conforming us to the image of His Son Jesus Christ.  When this happens in our lives we become grateful, joyful and merciful.

PURSUE AFTER PURITY: Purity of heart is the requirement for being able to see God or be accepted in the presence of God.  This could be very discouraging for all of us because none of us have a completely pure heart.  The idea of purity is to be completely void of any contaminants.  The idea of purification comes from the idea of refining precious metals under extreme heat in order to remove any impurities from the gold or silver.  The idea behind our hearts is our inner man which includes our actions, thoughts and even our motivations.  Those of us who look into our hearts understand that they are far from pure.  We are constantly bombarded with impure thoughts that produce sinful words and actions.  Even the seemingly good things that we do are often motivated by pride and a desire to promote ourselves instead of bringing glory to God.  This is the entire reason God sent Jesus to this earth to die for our sin.  Our hearts have been so contaminated by sinful thoughts, desires and motives that purity is an impossibility without His supernatural work of salvation in our lives.  When we trust Christ all of the sins from our hearts are forgiven and transferred to the Lord Jesus Christ and all of the purity from Christ’s heart is transferred to us.  This is a legal transaction that takes place which allow us access to the Father.  It is the only way any of us will “see God.”  However, it is more than a legal standing, it is a spiritual reality that God has given us a new nature that delights in His holiness.  It is like a hungry new born that cries out to be satisfied by the holiness of God.  Our lives will change on this earth and begin to align more and more closely to the life of Jesus.  This is that good work of salvation that God has started in our hearts that He will be faithful to continue and complete in our lives.  One day because of the sacrifice of Jesus, all who have trusted Him alone for freedom from sin will stand in God’s presence with perfectly pure hearts.  That work has already started in the hearts of all true believers and will bring wonderful joy to all who enjoy this grace.

APPLICATION: Have a great hunger for the holiness of God.  Extend mercy and forgiveness to all who might offend us.  Never forget the depths of our own sin and the extent of God’s mercy towards us.  Allow the work of the Spirit and the Word of God to do their purifying work in our hearts.  Never be satisfied with external good deeds.  Allow the Lord to transform and purify our hearts. 


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