Matthew 6:19-24

Choices determine much about our lives on earth as well as how we will spend all of eternity.  How, why and for whom we live are all choices we must make that will impact our decisions and determine many things about both our present and future.  Jesus has taught His disciples about the kind of person that will be blessed by God.  He has applied the Law to the lives of His followers in a very practical way.  He has taught about the kind of giving, praying and fasting God will bless.  Now it all comes down to choices.  We can either choose to live our lives according to the truths Jesus has taught or we can go our own way.  We can choose to live in light of eternity or live for the here and now.  Jesus gives us clear instruction as to how we should make choices in three very specific and practical ways.

CHOOSE WHERE TO STORE YOUR MONEY: We can either store our money on earth or in heaven.  The accumulation of wealth always presents the necessity of protecting and storing that wealth in some way.  The tree typical ways that wealth was stored in the days of Jesus were in the form or grain, clothing and precious metals.  Jesus taught His disciples that these were very insecure means of storing wealth because grain can spoil, clothing can be eaten by moths and thieves can steal gold.  There is no lasting security to any earthly investment.  Jesus teaches us to store our treasure in heaven where none of these things can touch them.  We are called to live our lives for the glory of God.  This means walking in holiness, worshiping Him and striving to advance the kingdom in all that we do.  Our time, efforts and money should be focused on that which brings glory to God.  Hard work and money are not sinful in and of themselves.  The problem is when these become idols in our lives.  God blesses some people with great wealth.  The key is not in the amount of wealth we have but in how we use that wealth.  We must choose between using it for ourselves or using it for the kingdom.  All that we use for ourselves will stay on earth and eventually be gone forever.  All that we use to advance the kingdom will make our lives much more meaningful on earth but will also be safely stored away in heaven where we will be able to enjoy it for all eternity. 

CHOOSE WHAT WILL BE YOUR MOTIVES: Jesus now uses an illustration of the eye being the light of the body and the determining factor between light and darkness or good and evil.  It all comes down to motives.  If our motives are pure and we use our abilities, time and money for the purpose of God’s glory; no matter what the final result of our investment here on earth, our reward in heaven is secure.  However, if our motives are self-serving and self-promoting no matter what we do; our efforts will have no eternal benefit to us.  Giving, praying and fasting or any other worthy activity are absolutely worthless if they are performed for our own benefit or in order to impress people.  Good motives make unsuccessful efforts have eternal benefits.  Bad motives disqualify any successful venture on earth from receiving eternal rewards.  We must choose what will motivate us: the praise of men of the praise of God.  We can see men and get instant gratification from pleasing them so it is easy for this motive to dominate our hearts.  We cannot see God and often suffer persecution for living to please Him so it is hard to be motivated by His glory and kingdom.  Choosing the right motives is by no means easy but it will be completely worth it.

CHOOSE WHO WILL BE YOUR MASTER: It all comes down to who our master will be.  Either we will be servants of our money or servants of God.  We cannot choose both.  God will not compete and does not accept rivals for the affections of our hearts.  Our love for God must generate a hatred for all that He hates.  Our love of the world will generate a hatred of God.  It really is that simple.  We will either serve God or our own wealth but we cannot serve both.  Therefore, we must choose who will be the Master of our lives.  We will either be worshipers of ourselves and the people around us or we will be worshipers of God.  There can be no middle ground.  We will either obey the lusts of our own flesh and live to satisfy them; or we will obey the Word of God and live to bring honor and glory to Him.  The choice and the consequences are very clear.

APPLICATION: Evaluate very closely how we are investing our time and financial resources.  Examine the motives behind all we do.  Establish God as the Master of our lives and the only object of our worship.


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