Matthew 7:1-6 Luke 6:37-42

Judging others is something that comes very naturally to all of us.  Being judgmental is a very dangerous game that believers play far too often.  Jesus does not condemn judging others but He gives us severe warnings and practical instructions that we must keep in mind in the area of judging others.  There are times where it is of vital importance that we judge others.  Just like it is of vital importance for surgeons to open up our bodies at times it is of vital importance that we judge others.  However, it is not a task to be taken lightly.  Before we judge others, it is important that we keep these principles in mind.  

WE WILL BE JUDGED OURSELVES LIKE WE JUDGE OTHERS: When we judge others, we are opening ourselves up to be judged by others.  It is easy for us to stand in condemnation of others but none of us like to be condemned by others.  God expects us to forgive others because we have been forgiven by Him.  If we give others condemnation we can expect to be condemned by others but if we will give others forgiveness we can expect to experience forgiveness ourselves.  That may sound like a very simple instruction but it is very hard to follow.  Too often our egos get in the way and we and we try to build ourselves up by tearing down others.  God warns us that we will be treated in the same way that we treat others.

WE SHOULD BE JUDGES OF OURSELVES BEFOE WE JUDGE OTHERS: Sometimes it is far easier to see a small defect in the lives of another person than it is to see a large defect in our own lives.  The lives of others seem so easy to observe but we are often blind when it comes to seeing our own failures.  We must be very careful with this aspect of our lives.  We cannot effectively help others as long as we are tolerating sins in our hearts.  When others sin against us we know; so we should go and let them know of their sin so they can be restored to fellowship.  However, we must go in humility and only after we have examined our own hearts to see if we might have provoked their sin against us.  Since it is so much easier for others to see our sins than it is for us to see our own sins; it is very helpful for us to ask others to share with us the areas of weakness or failure that they see in our lives.  Being teachable is a prerequisite to being an effective teacher. 

WE SHOULD JUDGE OTHERS PRIOR TO INVESTING IN OTHERS: Jesus teaches another principle about judging others as we consider who we should invest our time and efforts in.  Before we entrust the truths of God’s Word in the lives of others we are told that we must make a judgment about whether they are swine or wild dogs.  This calls for discernment as we seek to minister in the body of Christ.  When we see areas of blindness in the lives of our brothers and sisters in Christ we must examine our motives and our methods carefully.  However, we also need to evaluate the teachability of others and see if they are ready to receive the teaching of God’s work.  There are times where hearts must be broken in order for them to be open to receive the Word.  When we insist on instructing those who are wise in their own eyes it will of usually be a waste of time and it will expose ourselves to the criticism of others.

APPLICATION: Be very cautious about judging others and always be ready to forgive people before we confront them.  Examine our own hearts before we try to restore another person’s heart.  Ask our brothers and sisters in Christ to alert us to areas of weakness in our own hearts.  Be sure that people are ready to hear before we start investing in their lives.


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