Matthew 5:9-11 Luke 6:21-22

Pain is something that most of us like to avoid as much as possible.  We don’t like pain and, given the choice, would much prefer comfort every time.  In reality, pain is one of God’s gifts to us and one of His favorite tools to use on us.  Pain lets us know when something is wrong and it is used to produce character in our lives.  We have seen that the humble are happy, the holy are happy and now we will see that the hurting are happy.  The final three beatitudes seem to all center around the conflict and pain that can be associated with following Christ in a sin cursed world.  The call to discipleship is not an easy or comfortable call.  It is a call to follow Jesus and to be imitators of Him.  When we act like Jesus, it is only logical to presume that we will be treated like Jesus was treated.  He was despised and rejected by men so we ought to expect similar treatment.  Jesus makes statements that seem like paradoxes to us but they are, none the less, true.  He talks about three types of hurting people who will experience the ultimate happiness.

PEACEMAKERS: Sin creates conflict between people.  Anytime you have a group of people you will have a certain amount of conflict.  Sometimes those conflicts are minimal but other times they can escalate into all-out war.  Jesus taught that the peacemakers would be called the sons of God.  Peacemakers always face a certain amount of conflict; it is what requires them to make peace.  Peacemakers help defuse conflict between others and they refuse to enter into conflict with others.  A fight always requires at least two people.  Those who follow Jesus and consider themselves to be children of God; must be known peacemakers.  When the sparks of conflict begin to fly, our natural response is to add fuel to that fire.  God calls us to be fire fighters.  Instead of throwing fuel on the fires of conflict; God wants us to grab a bucket of water and promote peace.  This may mean suffering personal loss or injustice at the hands of sinful men.  It may mean putting ourselves in harm’s way and getting caught in crossfire.  The sinful world in which we live is at war.  It is at war with itself and it is at war against the followers of Jesus.  In the midst of war, peacemakers are desperately needed.  Unfortunately, they are very rarely appreciated by those at war who have no interest in peace.  As sons of God, we must respond to those who attack us by promoting peace.

PERSECUTED: The humble and holy will suffer persecution is a sinful society.  In many ways, the believer’s commitment and loyalty to the Lord is offensive to a sinful world.  Followers of Jesus stand in stark contrast to the sinful character in the world.  Saints make sinners feel bad about themselves so they do all they can to drag others down or eliminate them.  Jesus taught that the kingdom of heaven was made up of people who were persecuted because of their godliness.  Jesus and all of the apostles suffered persecution during their lives and ministries; we should not expect anything different.  God has called us to proclaim the truth of His Word and the hope of the Gospel in all the nations of the world.  Many people and nations are not accepting of that message.  The prefer to remain in their sin because the love their sin.  Their hearts are aflame with a hatred for God and His Word so they will do all they can to make us stop sharing the love of Christ.  In light of eternity, the pain of persecution will fade away and give birth to eternal joy in the presence of God.  Believers should expect persecution and never allow it to discourage us in our pursuit of righteousness.

PRISONERS: Governments were established by God to reward good and punish evil.  Unfortunately, throughout the history of the church; just the opposite has been true.  Those who have followed Christ have been falsely accused, thrown into prisons and killed.  The call to discipleship is a call to carry a cross not a pillow.  We should expect the world to twist our words, call us names and outright lie about us.  This is how the world treated Jesus and it is how it will treat us too.  Jesus was crucified on the testimony of bribed false witnesses.  The same thing will happen to believers who take the Gospel to corners of the world where the light of God’s Word has yet to shine.  False accusations will be leveled against us.  Slanderous statements will be made about us.  Insults will be made to us.  As a result, godly people will be imprisoned.  These things should not take us by surprise.  Instead, we should expect this kind of mistreatment and take comfort in the truth that all of these things will be made right in eternity.  Jesus, the prophets and the apostles suffered, were imprisoned and were killed because of their testimony for God.  That is very good company and should encourage us to stay the course no matter what the cause.

APPLICATION: When conflict is raging all around us we need to do all we can to promote peace.  Help others resolve their conflicts and don’t take use personal attacks against us to draw us into conflict with others.  Expect to be persecuted when we follow the mission God has given us.  Don’t allow persecution to discourage us from proclaiming the Gospel no matter what the cost.  Be willing to suffer imprisonment and even death for the cause of Christ.  Don’t expect a sinful world to “play fair.”


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