Matthew 5:38-42 Luke 6:29-30

Violation of our rights will happen in the sinful world in which we live.  People will sin against us just as we will sin against other people.  The question all of us must answer is how will we respond when others sin against us?  The natural response is to retaliate in a way that is even more severe than the attach against us.  This, in turn, usually results in an even more severe reaction and a cycle of hatred and violence escalates.  Jesus teaches His followers a different way to respond when someone violates our rights or sins against us.  Relationships are broken because of sinfulness.  Grudges grow and bitterness infects the hearts of those who practice retaliation.  Jesus promotes a path of peace that grows from humility and forgiveness.

REFUSE PERSONAL REVENGE: The law of Moses stated that offenses were to be punished in a way that made the punishment fit the crime.  The law of a tooth for a tooth was part of a long list of similar laws that were implemented in order to prevent crime as well as excessive revenge.  Those who were prone to violence would think twice about knocking out someone’s tooth for fear of losing their own.  The law also kept the courts from inflicting excessive punishment for offenses committed.  Knocking out someone’s tooth was not to be punished by taking that person’s life or cutting off his arm.  The Law of Moses was civil law that was designed to tell the courts how to deal with crimes and offenses that were committed.  These were not meant to be Laws that promoted personal revenge.  However, the Pharisees applied these laws in a way that allowed an individual to be judge, jury and executioner when someone hurt them.  Jesus calls His disciples to be willing to suffer offenses and losses instead of defending personal rights.  Governments and individuals should seek to resist the spread of evil in the world but this must be done in a just manner.  Governments have their roles to play in the courts of law and impartial judges are given the authority to determine punishments for crimes that have been committed.  Individuals can resist evil by confronting sin and seeking to restore broken relationships but should not be in the business of taking revenge.

RELEASE PERSONAL RIGHTS: Jesus give four different illustrations of how the principle of not seeking revenge could play out in our lives.  He calls His disciples to turn the other cheek.  A slap on the face was a very strong insult the could easily result in a punch in the face as retaliation which would then escalate into a brawl.  Jesus taught to simply turn the other cheek.  Typically, a slap in the face would be a strong response to some offense on the part of the person who got slapped.  A disciple who offends someone to the point of being slapped in the face should humbly evaluate what led to the slap, repent if that is necessary and then offer the other cheek as a demonstration of true contrition over the offense.  In a law suit, if money was not available to make restitution, the courts could require the guilty party to surrender his shirt as a means of payment.  The coat was considered a necessity to keep warm so the court could not take it away.  If the coat was given as a means of securing payment of a loan, it was to be returned at night so the person who owed the money would not freeze to death.  Jesus taught His followers to willingly surrender their coats if they owed a debt that was greater than the value of their shirt.  Going the extra mile refers to the Roman soldier’s right to require a civilian to carry his pack for one mile.  This was not a popular law but Jesus called His disciples to be willing to carry it for two miles instead of complaining about being oppressed.  Freely lending objects or even giving them away is to be the mark of true followers of Christ.  People are always more important than possessions so we must be willing to share and even give up on what we consider as our personal rights in order to serve and help others even when we don’t consider them to be deserving.

APPLICATION: Don’t retaliate when someone offends us or sins against us.  We must leave revenge in the Lord’s hands or allow human justice to take its course without taking the law into our own hands.  Humbly admit when we are wrong and seek to make restitution in the best way possible.  Be willing to do more than is required.  Demonstrate generosity to those who are in need and always value people over possessions. 


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