Romans 9:1-5

                                                                     Romans 9:1-5

I am speaking the truth in Christ—I am not lying; my conscience bears me witness in the Holy Spirit—that I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, my kinsmen according to the flesh. They are Israelites, and to them belong the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises. To them belong the patriarchs, and from their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ, who is God over all, blessed forever. Amen.


The argument that justification is by faith alone and not by the works of the law may be misinterpreted to seem like Israel is being rejected.  Paul’s teaching that Gentiles have the same opportunity to salvation may seem like a rejection of Israel.  Paul wants to make it abundantly clear that Israel has not been rejected.  Much to the contrary, both he and God have great affection and love for Israel.


PAUL’S LOVE FOR ISRAEL: Paul goes so far as to say that if it were possible, he would be willing to be accursed in the place of unbelieving Israel so that they could be saved.  He calls the Holy Spirit as his testimony of his love and affection for Israel as a nation.  They are his kinsmen, and he loves them deeply.  Paul was called as an apostle to the Gentiles and faithfully took the message of Christ to many unreached places.  However, he always started his preaching in the Synagogues amongst his own people.  This was done out of love for them as well as out of a desire to establish local churches with qualified leadership.  The nation of Israel had become very exclusive in their treatment of those from outside nations.  Due to their prejudice, they could have seen Paul’s love of the Gentiles as hatred for them.  Paul makes it abundantly clear that is not the case.  We are all called to love all people from all nations.


GOD’S LOVE FOR ISRAEL: Not only does Paul love Israel, but God loves Israel very deeply.  They are His chosen nation, and He has blessed them richly and repeatedly.  They were adopted as a most favored nation.  God blessed them and made them a glorious and prosperous nation.  They were given revelation of God’s will and Word through prophets as well as the Scriptures.  All the patriarchs belong to them, and they have incredible promises that no other nation enjoys.  Jesus, the Messiah, was sent to the nation of Israel and He is a part of the nation of Israel.  There is no other nation about which such things can be said.  God’s love for the nation of Israel is undeniable.  What God is striving to make clear through His servant Paul is that God’s love for Israel is not exclusive.  He loves all nations like He calls all His followers to love all nations.  God is on mission to restore Israel and reach all people everywhere.  He invites us to join Him on that mission.


APPLICATION: Like Israel, we have been loved by God and chosen to be members of His family.  We must never allow our blessings to become sources of pride in our lives that would cause us to be discriminatory of other people groups or another individual who remains lost.  God is calling us to show His love to all people everywhere.  We must be willing to sacrifice our comfort and be willing to leave our homes and nations to demonstrate His unfailing love. 


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