Romans 9:14-18

                                                             Romans 9:14-18

What shall we say then? Is there injustice on God's part? By no means! For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy. For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” So then he has mercy on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills.


Is God free?  Is God just?  Is God good?  Is God wise?  These and many other similar questions are very common for both theologians and people who are novices to the Bible to ask.  The answer all of those questions is: YES!! He is perfectly and simultaneously all of those things and many more.  It may be hard for us to reconcile these affirmations in light of the world in which we live and chapter of the Bible like this one.  However, we must admit that our own judgments of these questions is skewed by sin just as the world in which we live.  There are two basic truths this passage affirms, both of which declare the glory of God.


SALVATION IS A DEMONSTATION OF GOD’S MERCY: The fact that anyone gets saved is only because of God’s mercy.  There is not one person who deserves or earns salvation.  God could justly condemn every person on the planet.  In fact, God must condemn every person on the planet in order to be just.  However, because of His intense love, mercy, grace, goodness, and wisdom, He sent Jesus to justly pay the price of sin so that all who believe can be justly saved.  This is pure mercy.  Only because God extends His mercy can men be saved from sin.  God is free to extend that mercy on whomever He wills just as we are free to respond to His offer of salvation.  He does not impose salvation upon all men.  He offers it in Mercy.  


CONDEMNATION IS A DEMONSTRATION OF GOD’S POWER: Sin is serious and those who reject God will be eternally condemned in their sin and separated from God.  There is no person powerful enough to escape the wrath of God.  Throughout history there have been those who see themselves as powerful and strive to defy God.  They are all dead and under the condemnation of sin.  Pharaoh is an illustration of this truth.  He was the most powerful man on the planet.  He hardened his heart toward God and then God continued to harden his heart so He could use him as a demonstration of His power.  The most powerful leader of the most powerful nation simply crumbled before the power of God.  The purpose of this demonstration of power is ultimately mercy.  God dismantled the nation of Egypt because He wanted to show the results of rebellion against God so that all other nations might be convinced of the futility of rebellion and worship the all-powerful God.


APPLICATION: Be eternally grateful for God’s mercy.  Do not doubt God’s goodness and greatness because we have a hard time comprehending His ways.  Stand in awe of His power.  Worship Him and call others to join in worshiping Him.


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