Acts 1:1-26

This chapter records the very last words of Christ on earth, and what powerful words they are.  It is clear that the disciples took these words to heart and we will spend the next several weeks looking at how they lived them out.  I am looking forward to learning from the example of these godly men who paved the way so that the message of Christ could reach even me.  Today we look at the beginning of this journey and I believe it holds the key to their effectiveness.

THEY WERE REMINDED OF A POWERFUL PURPOSE: Christ, once again, tells them that the Holy Spirit will come to them and give them power so that they can take the message of salvation through Jesus to the nations of the world.  Final instructions are always so important and Christ has repeated this purpose over and over again.  Do you think it might be important?  The purpose of the Holy Spirit's empowerment and the purpose of and disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ is to spread the fame of Christ to the people of the world, those who are far and those who are near.  I think it is important to note that the command was not to be sequential but simultaneous.  We should not think that we must first reach all of those who  are in Jerusalem before we go to the ends of the earth.  Notice Luke's repeated use of the conjunction "and" instead of the word "then".  Wherever we go, and we must go far, and whatever we do, and we must do much, we are to live for the purpose of spreading the Gospel of Christ both near and far.

THEY RECEIVED A PRECIOUS PROMISE: This passage speaks of two promises.  The first is the coming of the Spirit which we have already touched upon.  The second was a promise from the angel that God graciously sent to assure them of Christ's return just as soon as He ascended.  This is so awesome.  Can you imagine how they must have felt standing there and watching Jesus go up into the clouds.  They had seen some "far out" stuff during their time with Jesus on earth but watching Him float up into the clouds had to be amazing.  Then as they stare up into the sky after He is gone their minds must have been racing--what now.  The angel answers that question and promises that Christ will come come again and take them with Him at that time.  This promise must have been a huge motivation factor throughout all of their life and ministry as it should be to us.

THEY RESPONDED WITH THE PRIVILEGE OF PRAYER: The disciples all gather together to wait as they were told to do.  This act of obedience is impressive in itself.  Nobody goes out fishing, they gather together and they encourage one another and most of all they pray.  They had learned an amazing and important lesson from Christ and I believe that their dedication to prayer was key to the success of their ministry from this point forward.  I am not sure that God truly approved of their decision to appoint another apostle by casting lots.  As good as their intentions may have been to replace Judas, I honestly think that they jumped the gun on this and that God choose Paul later on to do the job.  They were not infallible but they certainly show maturity and that their hearts are in the right place by their fervent prayers.  If we are going to fulfill the powerful purpose God has given us, we must be faithful to remember the precious promise of His return and exercise the privilege of prayer.


  1. hmmm... I had never thought of the whole "jumping the gun on the casting lots" thing...but it certainly makes sense when you think of Paul being called by Resurrected Christ personally...good thoughts =)


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