John 16:1-33

We all learn by repetition.  Jesus and John must have know this as they teach and record the last messages to the disciples prior to the crucifixion.  The last several chapters have had recurrent themes that are presented in different contexts and in different ways but have basically the same overriding message.  This post, like this chapter, will not have much new information but it will focus of some of the most vital truths in all of Scripture.  These messages are worth repeating because they are vital to remember.

THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT: Christ clearly tell the disciples and us that the subsequent for them, current for us, ministry of the Holy Spirit is superior to the earthly ministry of Christ.  Christ plainly tells them that it is better for them that He go away and send the Spirit.  The holy Spirit is able to minister in our lives with out the self imposed limitations of the incarnation that Christ experienced.  We must recognize that in the person of the Holy Spirit we posses a gift that exceeds anything the prophets of the Old Testament or the Apostles prior to Pentecost ever experienced.  When was the last time we thanked God for this inestimable gift?  When was the last time that we have consciously considered His constant ministry in our lives and sought to life in light of that truth?  The Holy Spirit is vital to our spiritual growth as well as our effectiveness in life and ministry.  We must never forget, ignore or be ignorant of His presence and ministry in our lives.

THE PROMISE OF CHRIST'S COMING: The death of Christ was a necessary but tragic event especially for the disciples who had been His constant companion for the past three years.  Christ assures them that the time of separation will only be for a "little while."  Initially they only had to wait three days when Christ was resurrected.  However, the time since His ascention has been a little longer but still in light of eternity is only a little while.  The return of Christ must be an event for which we long and about which we think.  It is so easy for us to become discouraged and disappointed as we go through the journey of this life.  When this happens it is usually because we have neglected to think about and focus on the Return of Christ.  Contemplating the coming of Christ is good medicine to prevent discouragement as well as to relieve distress.

THE PRIVILEGE OF PRAYER: This wonderful gift of God is too often neglected in the lives of many believers including, I am sad to say, myself.  Through prayer we have the opportunity to speak to the the creator and sustainer of the universe.  He is able to meet our needs whether they be physical, emotional or spiritual.  He loves us and we come to Him in the name of His Son whom He sent to pay the price of our sin.  Why are we not thrilled with the opportunity to come before Him and participate in all that He is doing in our own lives and in the kingdom through our prayers?  During this time that we are separated from Christ as we await His return and depend on the Spirit, prayer is one of the most important disciplines and one of the greatest privileges that we, as believers, have.


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