Acts 6:1-15

As the number of people in the church increased, there were new challenges that faced the young body and the leadership.  One thing that is very evident in this chapter is that problems are inevitable.  Some problems come from within and some are from without, but problems are a consistent part of the believer's walk with God.  This passage provides us with a good example of how we can handle problems, but it makes it clear that one problem will usually be followed by another one.

GROWING PAINS: The number of people requiring care in the early church was so large that one group, and likely more, was being neglected.  This  is a natural part of the growing process.  As the numbers and dynamics of the group change, it is important that the ministries adapt to be able to meet those needs.  When there is a need, that need must be openly discussed and taken seriously.  Too often the person who is being neglected just clams up and takes offense and eventually leaves in a huff.  Another tendency if for the leaders to stick their heads in the and pretend that everything is fine as long as we keep doing what we have always done.  Health growth requires hones communication and careful adaptation for all involved.

GOOD PLANNING: The apostles did two very wise things in this text.  First of all they listened to the problem and took it seriously.  Second they solved the problem by delegating responsibilities to others in order to avoid neglecting their true priorities.  Growth can easily cause us to become distracted from our main responsibilities, in this case prayer and the Scriptures.  It is vital to be able to train and trust others to do ministry with and for us as opposed to thinking that we have to do everything ourselves.  This requires humility, patience and wisdom but it is vital to the success of survival of any ministry.

GODLY PEOPLE: Most problems will be resolved with the help of and because of the ministries of godly people.  People are often the cause of the problems we face, but we must never allow that fact to blind to the truth that people are also key to the solution of those problems.  When we face problems we seek out the help of godly people that will be able to stand with us and ministry along side of us so that the cause of Christ can go forward.

GIFTED PREACHERS: We might be surprised to find that those who are originally entrusted with one type of ministry will often grow and excel in a far different area of ministry.  This was the case with Stephen.  He was originally appointed to be a waiter.  However, as it turns out, he was a powerful evangelist and defender of the faith.  We must allow people to grow and expand within their ministries.  God is looking for faithfulness, and when He finds it in one area of a man's ministry, He will usually entrust that minister with expanding opportunities.

GREAT PERSECUTION: As ministries expand and ministers begin to impact the lives of those around them, we can expect external problems to attack as well.  Persecution will arise, threats will be heard and this might even lead to death.  The presence of persecution in this sin cursed world should never take a believer by surprise.  God will give grace to face it, but face it we must.  God is in control of all of these things, and He will use it for His glory and the expansion of the kingdom.  We must not lose heart but be faithful to the end.


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