John 10-1-41

Christ presents Himself as the Good Shepherd who meets each need of His sheep.  Two times the Pharisees ask for Him to tell them openly who He is and when He does they try to stone Him.  They flippantly reject Christ and in so doing bring condemnation on themselves.  Christ came to bring salvation to men but those who prefer their sin and refuse that which He offers are doomed to destruction.

CHRIST POINTS TO SALVATION BY LEADING US TO LIFE: He is the Shepherd who leads and protects His sheep.  He makes sure that they are safe, well fed and he takes them where they need to go.  If we want to be safe, we must follow where He leads.  We may be free to chose to rebel and go astray as many sheep do, but it we would be saved we must follow where He leads.  He is the only one who can point us to salvation for He is the author of salvation.  The sin in which we are bound will only lead us to death, but the Lord wants us to experience an abundant life that only He can provide.  The path to the abundant and everlasting life is the path on which only Christ can lead us.

CHRIST PROVIDES SALVATION BY LAYING DOWN HIS LIFE: Sheep have enemies against which they are defenseless.  They can try to run and hide, but they don't stand much of a chance against the wolves that constantly prey on them.  We too, like sheep, are defenseless against the attacks of Satan and the sin with which he assaults us.  The shepherd saves his sheep by putting his own life in jeopardy to ward off the attacks.  Christ, the good Shepherd, laid His life down on the cross that He might defeat Satan and sin thereby providing salvation and life to all who believe.  The death we deserve, He graciously took upon Himself that we might have eternal life from Him.  This is the salvation He came to provide and we must choose if we will follow His voice and trust in Him or if we will reject His sacrifice and try to go it on our own.  Those who trust Christ will be eternally safe in His loving care.  Those who reject Christ will fall into the clutches of Satan and spend eternity condemned with him.

CHRIST PRESERVES SALVATION BY LIFTING UP HIS LIFE: Christ did die to satisfy the punishment of our sin.  However, He did not remain dead.  He rose again!  The resurrection demonstrates that God was totally satisfied by the sacrifice that Christ made.  Those who trust in Christ's death are preserved by His life.  Our salvation is eternally secure in the hands of Christ for He lives!  Christ will not allow His children to be taken from His hands.  He died for their salvation and now lives for the preservation until they, in glory, come to perfection through His sustaining work.  Christ is the Son of God and He uses His position to represent those who trust Him before the father that their sins might never bring them into condemnation and that they might experience the abundant life with Him for all of eternity.


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