Acts 2:1-47

This is the day that changed the lives of men and the course of history.  The Holy Spirit came into the lives of the disciples and the impact was immediate and astounding.  His ministry made a radical difference in these men and consequently they were used to impact the lives of the people around them.

THE SPIRIT EMPOWERS: When the Spirit descended upon the disciples Hid did so in a miraculous fashion.  There was wind and fire and they immediately began to speak in tongues.  They were given this gift because Jerusalem was filled with people from many different cultures and languages.  As a result of this, every person heard the Gospel in his own heart language.  If we ever needed proof of the urgency of Bible translation this is it.  The Spirit's work in the life of all believers is to empower us for the tasks that we bring glory to God and the growth of the kingdom.  The Holy Spirit abides in us and we can accomplish anything in His strength.

THE SERVANTS IMPART: As a result of the Spirit's work Peter and the other disciples began to proclaim the Gospel.  The truth was in their hearts and they were empowered by God to tell all around.  There was not an ounce of timidity or fear.  They guy who just a few weeks ago had cowered and denied Christ to a slave girl in the cover of darkness is no standing in the town square in broad daylight telling thousands of people that they had murdered the Messiah but that He had risen from the dead.  He boldly proclaims the truth with no worries about the negative consequences that his actions might have.  That is what the Spirit is in the business of doing, spreading the fame of Christ through the lives of His followers.

THE SINNERS REPENT: The Spirit was not only at work in Peter's life, but He was at work in the lives of the hearers and their heart were "cut to the quick."  They realized their sinful condition and were gripped with terror at the prospect of being held responsible for having rejected Messiah.  When they learn that repentance was still possible and that they could be forgiven, they came by the droves to be baptized and identify themselves as believers in and followers of Christ.  This is not the work of man, this is the powerful and gracious work of the Spirit.  I believe many of these were shouting "crucify Him" only a few weeks earlier and now that become believers, are forgiven and transformed forever.

THE SAVED REJOICE: The result of their conversion is a transformation in ever area of their lives.  They gather together for study and prayer.  They share what they have with one another, meet each others needs and rejoice in their new found faith and fellowship.  This is what God does in our lives.  He takes fearful and hopeless sinners and transforms us into forgiven and rejoicing saints.  Those who have been living to fulfill their own selfish agendas now are demonstrating their genuine love for God by generously loving one another.  Isn't the word of God wonderful?  Are we allowing the Spirit this same liberty in our lives so that we might experience this same level of joy? 


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