Acts 5:1-42

It is astounding to see the work of God in His people during the life of the early church.  There are so many amazing things that we can do nothing but stand back and worship our Lord.  This chapter reveals much to us about God's dealings with His people.

GOD IS CONCERNED WITH THE HOLINESS OF HIS PEOPLE: The tragic story of Ananias and Sapphira should cause a sobriety to fall over the hearts of every single one of us.  The problem with what they did was not that they held the money back.  Peter makes it clear that it was their money to do with as they pleased.  The problem was that they lied to the church by pretending that they were giving all that the had received like Barnabas had done.  It is a very dangerous thing to live a life of pretending to please God before men.  God does not "fall" for our fakes and in the end we must realize that we are simply kidding ourselves.  God wants us to be holy and He is not afraid to discipline or even kill believers who refuse to follow His will and prioritize holiness.

GOD IS CONSIDERATE OF THE HEALTH OF ALL PEOPLE: Just like with Jesus, the multitudes flock to be healed by the apostles.  The text tells us that all of them were being healed.  Even Peter's shadow would heal those on whom it fell.  The multitudes came for the healing but they left with the truth as proclaimed by these men of God.  I think that the healing ministry of Christ and the apostles reveals to us the care of God for all people who have suffered affliction.  He is a God of great compassion and mercy.  We must demonstrate this same care in our world today, but we must never allow the meeting of physical needs to overshadow our main job which is to proclaim the truth of Christ.

GOD IS COMMITTED TO HELP HIS PEOPLE: The following of the apostles got to be too big so they lock them up in jail because they are jealous of their influence on the people.  God did not just stand by but sent and angel who set them free and the next morning they were out preaching again by the time the council met to call them in to stand trial.  The jailers must have been very confused, but the council is undaunted by this miracle.  They haul them off of the streets again and try to threaten them.  God gives them the boldness and the words to defend themselves and even raises up one of the council members to talk them out of fighting them any longer.  From prisons, to street corners, to trials, God was faithful to help His servants with just what they needed.  We can trust Him to help us as well.

GOD CONSISTENTLY GIVES HAPPINESS TO HIS PEOPLE: The apostles are sent from the trial with a public flogging and a command not to preach Christ any longer.  They are not mad at God for putting them through this humiliation.  They are not discouraged by the trial and pain they had to face.  They do not complain about their circumstances or their wounds.  What they do is rejoice.  Yes, that is right, they rejoice.  They praise God for the privilege of suffering in the name of Jesus.  This is God blessing them with a joy that no amount of pain or difficult circumstances can take away.  Our happiness does not depend on our circumstances but on our relationship with Him and ability to see His will and work in every situation He allows us to face.  He is the reason we rejoice.  So when we complain and become angry it is because we have taken our eyes off of Him and are missing the blessing of joy He offers us in the midst of trials.


  1. Wow. How true that we consider God "blessing us" only if things are going well for us. What a reminder for me to give praise to God "no matter what circumstance I am found in" and to give honor to His Name. Thanks for the post, Gary.


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