John 13:1-38

As Christ prepares for the cross, He uses this final teaching time with His disciples to emphasise, once again, the truly key lessons.  The life principles that the Lord would have us live are not complicated to understand, but they are difficult to live.  If we could just grasp and practice these few teachings, our lives would be so much happier and productive.

SERVE ONE ANOTHER WITH HUMILITY: Christ picked up a basin and a towel then proceeded to wash His disciple's feet.  He did this to illustrate to all of us the importance of serving as well as the attitude of humility.  Most people consider that they have achieved greatness when they climb the social ladder to the point that others serve them.  Christ wants all of us to understand that true greatness comes from serving others.  If we are going to be influential leaders in this world, we must learn that our leadership must be vastly different from that of the world.  God wants us to be servants who humbly meet the needs of others before we consider our own desires.

ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER TO PURITY: Washing the disciples feet was not only an illustration of service but it was also symbolic of cleansing from sin as is seen in the exchange between Peter and Christ.  This principle is also seen in the revelation of a betrayer in the midst of the disciples.  Jesus reveled this truth to all of them and then sent Judas away from the group to do his evil deeds.  Christ wants us to be pure and cleansed from our sin in the blood of the cross.  This is why He came, that men might be forgiven and freed from the penalty and power of sin.  Personal purity must be the priority of every individual believer.  Additionally, encouraging purity must be one of the key purposes of every group of believers.  We must learn not to tolerate sin in our lives and in our churches, but must discipline ourselves as we exhort others to live in a way that is pleasing to our Lord.

LOVE ONE ANOTHER WITH SINCERITY: I think that it is significant that the is the key teaching of Christ in this last meeting with them before He is taken to be crucified.  The summary of all of the laws and rules of the Old Testament is simply to Love.  We are called to love God with all of our hearts and to love others in both word and deed.  None of us can provide the sacrifice for sin like Christ did.  It is impossible for us to follow Christ in that respect and Jesus is now revealing to His disciples that He will soon be departing from them and that they will not be able to by with Him anymore.  But the vital truth that they and we must know is that we prove our love for Him when we love the people that He puts in our path.  We cannot love God if we do not love others.  Love is the true demonstration of discipleship.


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