1 Chronicles 14:1-17

David’s kingdom is now established and recognized not only by the people of Israel, but also by the other nations.  Some of the other nations seek out David in order to make peace with him while others are seeking David out in order to take him out by means of war.  Both of these acts are demonstrations of the recognition of other nations of David’s kingship over that nation.  God’s work will always have allies just as it will always have enemies.  No matter who is helping us or trying to hurt us, we must always place our trust in the Lord and seek Him for wisdom as we endeavor to please and serve Him.

DAVIDS KINGDOM IS DELIGHTED BY THE PROVISION OF GOD: God uses an ally in the king Hiram from Tyre to provide for the construction of David’s palace.  David appreciated the help of Hiram but he recognized that the true provision was from the Lord.  He knew also that the people of Israel were God’s people and that his position was to serve them as the people of God.  His song of praise reflects that he was established and exalted for the sake of the people and not his own.  David takes more wives and has more children in Jerusalem.  It is interesting that the Bible records this fact but it does not either condemn it or condone it in this context.  However, we know from other Scriptures that this practice of having multiple wives was not God’s plan for marriage.  Even though it was a common practice in the culture for kings, it was not what God intended.  These wives would later become a snare to David and his example would lead to much heartache for his son Solomon.  We must recognize and rejoice in God’s provision in our lives but always seek to follow the principles of His Word as we seek to serve Him.

DAVIDS KINGDOM IS DIRECTED BY THE PRESENCE OF GOD: When the Philistines heard that David was king, they came out to make war against him.  They invaded the territory and they were seeking to take David’s life in an assassination attempt.  David was made aware of the plot and the first thing he did was to inquire of the Lord as to what he should do in each situation.  The first time the Lord directed him to attack the Philistines head on while the second time the David inquired of the Lord He directed him to attack from the side after hiding in the trees and waiting on the Lord.  David recognized that it was not his wisdom that was needed in this time of war it was the Lord’s wisdom and direction that he needed.  David was a man of war and could have simply trusted his own instincts or experience on the battlefield.  However, he recognized that the presence of the Lord was far more valuable than any of his own wisdom or experience.  We must learn to depend upon the Lord and seek His wisdom and not simply trust our own experience.

DAVIDS KINGDOM IS DELIVERED BY THE POWER OF GOD: David is victorious in both of the attacks by the Philistines because he was faithful to look to the Lord and trust in His power.  God gave David the victory in each of the battles.  The Philistines were defeated and ran away leaving their idols behind.  David does not collect these gods or make use of them in any way, he orders that they should be burned.  God’s power was evident in David’s life and the nations feared him because of it.  God’s power is an amazing gift that we must never take for granted.  We must walk in obedience to the Lord and live in dependence upon Him so that we can experience His power in our lives.


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