1 Chronicles 20:1-8

David continues his conquest of the territory that the Lord had promised to the nation of Israel.  These nations should have been removed many years prior to David, but the children of Israel refused to obey the Word of the Lord and were too easily satisfied with what they had already conquered.  These nations were a constant source of temptation to Israel and led them into sin and idolatry for generation after generation.  Finally David was taking on the task that should have been accomplished by previous generations.  We must be careful not to be too easily satisfied with where we are in our walks with the Lord.  We can easily become complacent in our walk with God and tolerant of sin that displeases the Lord.

ISRAEL CAPTURES THE CITIES OF THE AMMONITES: The Ammonites were a people with whom the children of Israel had lived for many generations and, for the most part, there had not been war between the nations.  David had peaceable relationships with the former king, but that all changed and so now David is capturing the cities that were inhabited by the Ammonites that were within the borders of Israel.  These cities had been a source of temptation as the children of Israel married the children of the Ammonites and consequently began to worship the idols that the Ammonites worshiped.  David was victorious and much plunder including a huge and valuable crown was recovered by the army of Israel and brought to David.  We can be complacent in our lives and are often tempted to make peace with besetting sins that the Lord would like to have us exterminate from our lives.

ISRAEL CONQUERS THE GIANTS OF THE PHILISTINES:  Different from the Ammonites, the Philistines had been a constant source of conflict and war with the children of Israel.  The Philistines were a powerful people with many valiant warriors who were literally giants.  David had killed Goliath, but now the army of Israel is having to conquer many other giants including Goliath’s own brother.  From the beginning, the children of Israel were afraid of the people of this land because they were so large and strong.  This lack of faith in the Lord’s ability to deliver and give victory in every circumstance became a plague in the land that David is just now starting to deal with.  David and his men were victorious in every instance because the Lord was with them.  The Lord had always been with them.  We must be careful not to allow giants of discouragement or temptation to overcome our faith and trust in the Lord.  He is willing and able to give us the victory as we trust Him.  We must not think that once we have conquered one giant that we can stop fighting.  Just like Goliath had a brother that took his place, when we have a victory in one area we can expect to face similar struggles in the future.


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