1 Chronicles 27:1-34

David was surrounded by great leaders and had the entire nation well organized and prepared to defend itself.  The military was strong, well defined and well prepared to take on whatever it might need to face.  Each tribe was led by a man who was well respected within the nation and these men were, in turn, submissive and loyal to David.  Then the government was also organized under a variety of administrative tasks that made sure that the kings agricultural investments as well as the treasury in general was organized and ready to go.  God is orderly and efficient and He is glorified when we reflect these qualities in our lives and in the way we organize our lives.  Whether we are in charge of a home, a church, a state or a nation God calls us to be well organized and prepared to serve Him in all that we do.

THE NATION WAS DEFENDED BY A STRONG MILITARY: David was a warrior and understood how to organize and control the military.  All of the men who were enlisted in the military were divided into twelve groups of 24,000 men.  Each month of the year a different group was responsible to come before the king where they would be inspected as well as trained and then they would return to their specific duties in the defense of the nation.  David understood the need for a strong military.  David’s trust was in the Lord, but that did not prevent him from preparing an army to defend the nation.  We will always face enemies who will try to tear us down and destroy our families and ministries.  God will defend us, but we also need to be prepared to stand up and fight for our convictions.

THE TRIBES WERE ADMINISTRATED BY FAITHFUL MEN: Besides the military leaders, each tribe had a political leader or administrator that would report directly to the king.  These were great and strong leaders that were well respected within their tribes.  These men were responsible to look out for the good of their tribe as well as work together for the good of the nation.  The tribes should not be in competition with one another, but were supposed to cooperate with one another for the overall good of the nation.  Delegating leadership is an important part of the success of any group of people no matter how great or small.  As leaders, we must not be threatened by other leaders; instead we should be thankful for the opportunity to work together for the glory of God and the furtherance of the Gospel.

THE GOVERNMENT WAS LED BY CAPABLE MINISTERS: The overall well-being of the nation was coordinated on a national level by leaders who were specialized in one certain area of need.  These leaders would be able to establish policies in their areas of expertise that would assure that each individual tribe was operating at a high level.  These were well trained men who were the expert in their particular area of development.  David is surrounding himself with capable and dynamic men who are loyal to him and the nation.  It is important for us to be willing to work together with other leaders and unite for a common purpose.  Variety of knowledge and unity in purpose are vital to the success of any nation, church or family.


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