1 Chronicles 26:1-32

The operation of the temple would be just like any other building, it would require security and maintenance.  These tasks were not as public or visible as the priests and worship leaders, but they were vital to the operation of the temple and David took the steps necessary to organize the logistical side of how the temple would be made secure and how it would be able to be maintained after the construction was complete.  David was an insightful and prepared leader who sought to take care of every aspect of this project before he left the execution of the project to his son.  We need to recognize and be aware of the wide variety of people who are necessary to serve within the body of Christ.  Not everyone’s job can be public or flashy, but everyone’s job is important and vital to fulfilling God’s purpose for the church.

DAVID ORGANIZED THE FACILITY OF THE TEMPLE: The temple would have four different gates that would permit access to the facility.  The gatekeepers would be responsible to make sure that the temple was not vandalized and to make sure that only the authorized people would be granted access to certain restricted places.  They would also be responsible to report any issues that might come up in the area of maintenance of the facility.  Everything was to be done with decency and order and they were to be zealous in keeping the temple in good shape.  Today we might call the gate keepers deacons in some churches or trustees that oversee the facility.  The truth is that buildings must be maintained, and this work is an important part of the life of the church.  We need to be zealous in keeping our facilities maintained and running smoothly. 

DAVID ORGANIZED THE FINANCES OF THE TEMPLE: All of these logistical and construction issues as well as the support the people who were serving in all these capacities had to be paid for.  There were a group of the Levites who were placed in charge of the finances that were dedicated to the temple.  These funds may have come from tithes, offerings or even plunder from the wars of Israel.  However the funds were attained, it was necessary to use these funds in the best way possible to make these things work.  Money can be a very useful but dangerous thing.  It must be handled with care and transparency.  There are people that God has gifted to administrate finances in a way that produces the greatest stewardship of the Lord’s resources as well as a confidence in the people that the resources given to the church are being handled well.  Again this is not a very public job, but it is vital to the success of any ministry.


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