1 Chronicles 29:1-30

As David approaches the end of his life, he wants to make sure that the people understand what he has been doing and what the purpose of his reign has been.  David wants to make sure that the nation is united and ready to work together on accomplishing the task of building the temple.  This has been the focus of David’s life for the final part of his reign and he wants to make sure that this purpose is not forgotten by the people or by Solomon.  As a leader, David sets the direction for the people and then he sets an example for the people to follow.  Leaders are called to do just those two things.  We must make sure that we are casting a vision and setting a clear course for the people who follow us.  We must also be first in line to show the way of obedience.

DAVID COMMUNICATES THE WILL OF GOD: David knows that he is at the end of his life so he calls all of the people together and he communicates the most important things that he wants the people to remember.  First he wants them to know that Solomon will be the next king.  Second, he wants them to know that it has been the purpose of his reign to provide for the construction of the temple.  God had revealed these two truths to David and now David wants to make sure that the people understand this very clearly.  We need to make sure that our lives are dedicated right down to the end to the communication of the will of God as reveled in His Word.  Our concern should always be that the generations after us will be prepared to faithfully serve the Lord.  It is our job to challenge them to be faithful in the work that the Lord has left for us to accomplish.

DAVID CONTRIBUTES TO THE WORK OF GOD: David has used his reign to amass huge amounts of wealth and materials for the building of the temple.  These provisions have been carefully recorded and properly set aside for the purpose to which they were intended.  However, beyond making this the focus of his reign, David has made this the focus of his personal life as well.  David makes a very generous contribution to the temple project from his own personal resources.  He has been greatly blessed and could not keep that wealth all to himself or for his family.  He leads the people in giving to that which God had laid on his heart.  The people respond to David’s example and give from their personal wealth as well.  Both David and the people do not give out of obligation, but from a heat of joy.  God wants us to experience the joy of giving and participating in that which He is doing around the world.  We must always view giving as an honor and not an obligation.

DAVID CONSECRATES THE WORD OF GOD: When David sees the offerings that have been given, David breaks into a song of praise and adoration to the Lord.  David recognizes that all that has been contributed to the project has truly come from the hand of God.  David does not claim ownership of his possessions and recognizes that the people’s gifts have also truly been given to them by God.  This is truly a celebration of what God has done and not a time to brag about how much these people have done.  We must not be deceived into thinking that we can give anything to God apart from what He has already given to us.  He not only gives us the ability to contribute but also the desire to do so.  Therefore all praise and honor belongs to Him.  May God give each of us the grace to end our lives worshiping the Lord by giving to His work and rejoicing in His accomplishments in and through our lives. 


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