2 Chronicles 4:1-22

Besides the construction of the massive structure of the temple, there were many furnishings that were spread throughout the temple.  These furnishings included the altar on which the sacrifices were made, many basins that were used for washing, candle holders and all of the utensils that were needed for making these sacrifices.  All of these objects were made out of gold, silver or bronze and were very ornately decorated according to Solomon’s specifications.  The building and furnishing of the temple demonstrates Solomon’s commitment to excellence as well as his skill as a leader.  He was able to define a direction, recruit the staff that was needed to reach his desired goal, delegate responsibilities to the right people and then oversee the project to its completion.  God is pleased when we serve Him with excellence.

THE TEMPLE WAS A BEAUTIFUL PLACE: The temple was a place that represented man’s relationship and communion with God.  This is why it had to be a beautiful place as it is a special and wonderful thing to know and be able to have a relationship with God.  The temple and its furnishings were made from precious metals and they were all intricately designed to reflect the beauty and creativity of God.  We need to appreciate the preciousness of God and realize that our relationship with Him is a very special thing.  God is beautiful and is amazingly creative.  Relating with God should be a beautiful thing for us.  Today we worship in churches that are definitely more simple than the temple that Solomon created.  Churches in past centuries were more ornate than what we construct today.  The truth is that it really does not matter what kind of structure we gather in for worship.  The point of the matter is that we must cherish as a thing of beauty the honor and beauty of being able to be in a relationship with God.

THE TEMPLE WAS A BLOODY PLACE: One thing that jumped out at me as I read this chapter was the fact that all of these furnishings and utensils had a specific purpose that had to do with offering sacrifices.  The temple was a place for relating with God, but the only condition under which man can ever relate with God involves the shedding of blood.  The altar was a place where the blood of animals would be spilt and then burned as a sacrifice to the Lord.  There were many basins all over the temple that were used for the purifying of hands.  The truth is that sacrificing animals is a messy thing that left the hands of the priests covered with blood.  We no longer have to shed blood in order to relate with God because Christ has shed His blood once and for all to pay for our sin.  However, it is important that we constantly remember that the only means by which we can come into God’s presence and truly worship Him is through that blood of Jesus.   


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