Daniel 10:1-21

Daniel has another vision about the final days involving the nation of Israel.  This is simply a preparatory chapter for this, the final revelation to Daniel.  We simply have a description of Daniel’s state when He began to receive the vision as well as the background of what was going on in the spiritual realm in order for Daniel to have this vision.  God is clearly at work in the nation as well as in Daniel’s life.  There is a relationship with God and a reverence for the Lord that is often missing in our worship today.  Daniel clearly lives with the fear of the Lord in his heart and mind.  This type of fear is seldom seen in our worship today.

A TROUBLED SOUL: Daniel spends three weeks in mourning before the Lord.  He is not fasting completely, but it is clear that he is eating and drinking only the essentials and pouring out his heart to the Lord.  He seems to understand that there is more vital information the Lord wants to reveal to him, so he begins to prepare himself to hear from the Lord.  The disciplines of fasting and praying seem to be lost in the lives of many believers today.  We take the Word of God for granted so often and show so little reverence for the privilege of having access to the Word of God in our lives. 

A TERRIFYING SIGHT: Daniel alone sees what seems to be a terrifying sight.  Even though the men who are with him sense the presence of something awesome and flee, they do not see the vision.  Daniel describes a Man who seems to be a manifestation of the Lord Jesus Christ.  His immediate response is to fall on his face in worship and he trembles in the glory of what he has seen.  The reverence and fear of the Lord is an aspect that seems to be missing from much of our worship today.  There is a familiarity with the things of God that does not demonstrate the awe that we should have of God.  When we truly know the Lord our immediate response should be one of reverent worship.

A TESTIFYING SPEECH: Daniel feels without strength from his experience of seeing the Lord and now and angel comes to strengthen him and speak to him.  All of this is in preparation for that which God is about to reveal to Daniel in the chapters ahead.  The angel lets Daniel know that he is greatly loved by the Lord and that God has sent this angel out as soon as Daniel began his three weeks of prayer but the was spiritual warfare taking place so the angel was delayed until the angel Michael came to assist.  And now the angel must return to do battle with another fallen angel.  This is an aspect of reality about which we very ignorant.  The spiritual warfare taking place in today’s universe is something beyond our realm of comprehension.  We do know that it is real and we participate in it through our prayers is a special way.  Daniel’s fear of the Lord is an explanation as to why he was so greatly loved by God and given such clear vision as to what the Lord was doing in the world.  


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