Hosea 1:1-11

Hosea is a relatively unknown prophet who speaks to the nation of Israel.  We know little about him outside of this book, but he was clearly used of God to warn the nation of Israel of the coming judgment in a very graphic way.  When Hosea writes this book Israel is at the height of her power and influence in the region.  Israel was a powerful and prosperous nation that had turned from God.  The message of Hosea must have seemed completely irrelevant to the people who were reveling in their success by delving deeper and deeper into sin and idolatry.  One generation later Israel was taken captive and left in desolation.  The message of God’s coming judgment may seem irrelevant in today’s culture too but that does not make it any less true.  Prosperous times can be perilous times because they can turn us away from God.

A HOPELESS FAMILY: Hosea is called by God to go take a wife from prostitution.  So Hosea goes and takes Gomer for a wife in order to symbolize the idolatry of Israel who had become like an adulterous wife to God.  Gomer bears three children to Hosea and each of their names depict a symbol of hopelessness for the nation of Israel.  The first child was a son was to be called Jezreel as a warning to the nation of Israel that God will punish her and her king Jehu for the violence and idolatry of the land.  Their blood would be spilt in the valley of Jezreel.  The second child was a daughter to be called No Mercy because God’s mercy for the land of Israel had come to an end.  The third child was a son who was named Not My People as a message to the nation that God had rejected them.  This message of merciless judgment an rejection on the part of God must have seemed ridiculous to the prosperous nation but it would soon come true.  God is always faithful to warn mankind of His judgment just as He has done in our current situation. We must pay close attention to these warnings. 

A HOPEFUL FUTURE: Despite the bleak outlook that is communicated to the nation of Israel through Hosea’s family; the chapter ends with hope for the future.  Hosea repeats the promise of God mad to Abraham about the size of the nation of Israel being compared to the sands of the sea.  Hosea promises that the nation of Israel who was about to face captivity, judgment and rejection as the people of God; would one day be restored.  Israel will one day be called “Children of the living God.”  The nation will be transformed and instead of being judged in Jezreel they will go up to worship the Lord and be blessed in the land God has promised to His people.  No matter how difficult things may seem, God will always keep His promises and He offers hope to all who will trust Him. 


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