Hosea 13:1-16

Israel was one of the most feared nations on the face of the earth.  God gave the nation strength and power to overcome her enemies and He provided for the nation in great ways.  Unfortunately Israel was not grateful for this provision and lived in constant rebellion against the Lord.  Israel became proud of the position she had obtained and instead of living in the fear of Lord began to worship all kind of idols.  This led to her downfall and eventual captivity.  The steps away from God are usually very subtle and gradual.  We must pay close attention to our hearts because they can very easily follow the same path of idolatry towards destruction that the children of Israel followed.

ISRAEL WAS DELUDED AND DISOBEDIENT: The nation of Israel started its path towards idolatry when it decided to erect a place of worship in Samaria instead of going to offer sacrifices in Jerusalem at the temple as they had been instructed to do.  It first glance it seems that they wanted to facilitate the worship of God.  But it is never right to do wrong no matter what our motives might be.  Predictably, this “worship” of God began to be represented by a calf and that led to further abominations and the worship of Baal and the building of many other idols. Israel became strong as a nation due to the provision and protection of God, but now that they have abandoned the Lord, they have become like mist and chaff that have no strength.  God had led the nation in the wilderness and given them the land in which they now dwell.  The Lord provided for the people but they had no gratitude or loyalty and followed a path of disobedience.  They were deluded into thinking they could live however they wanted without consequence.  They were mistaken and were about to suffer the consequences as will all who turn from the Lord and ignore His Word.   

ISRAEL WOULD BE DEVOURED AND DESTROYED: God is a consuming fire and He does not tolerate the idolatry of His people.  The people could not see that their rebellion was leading them down a path of destruction.  God warned them over and over again through the voice of the prophets but they refused to listen.  At the first sign of trouble the sought to depend on their own strength and the godless nations from which God had once delivered them.  They did not recognize God’s power and refused to submit to Him or even turn to Him for help.  This would lead to their destruction and they would be devoured and destroyed by the very nations that they were hoping would help them.  God is a jealous God and will not be mocked.  He is also forgiving and ready to restore those who repent.  We must learn from this example and not depend on ourselves or think we can live independently of the Lord.  God calls us to walk in His ways and love Him as He has loved us.  When men refuse to repent of our sin and live as if He did not exist they will be devoured by their own lusts and meet with the destruction God has promised for all who reject Him.


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