Daniel 12:1-13

The book of Daniel ends with the conclusion of the vision that had started in chapter ten.  Chapter eleven gave specifics of what was going to happen with the nation of Israel during the time of Greek domination and then jumped ahead a couple of thousand years to begin the description of the end of times where Israel would be invaded and dominated by the Anti-Christ.  This chapter continues on that theme giving more specific details that seem to align with that which would be revealed about 650 years later to the Apostle John in the book of Revelation.

A TIME OF RETRIBUTION AND RESURRECTION: Daniel’s vision concludes with a time of great retribution being poured out on the children of Israel and the entire world.  This time of judgment will be more severe and far reaching than any of the judgments Israel has seen to this point in her history.  This is like the final pains of child birth right before the amazing joy of receiving a new son or daughter.  There will be great pain and suffering and then it will all culminate with the return of Christ to the earth and the resurrection of those who have placed their faith in Him.  Some will arise to everlasting joy while others will arise to everlasting judgment based on whether or not they have trusted on the work of Christ for the forgiveness of sins.

A TIME OF REVELATION AND RESTORATION: As Daniel requests to have greater understanding of this vision, he is told to seal up the book.  This seems to indicate that these events are far away in Daniel’s time, but they are much closer in our current time.  This vision could be unsealed any day now and all these events could begin to take place.  The number of days is given for these judgments which are the last three and a half years that correspond to the Great Tribulation referred to in the book of Revelation.  After this time of great testing there will be a time of salvation and great restoration like the children of Israel have never seen before in the past.  Daniel is made aware of the fact that troublesome days lie ahead for his people but he is also promised days of hope that are beyond any blessings they have experienced and demonstrate God’s ability to fulfill His promises.


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