Joel 1:1-20

Joel, like all the prophets laments over the sin and the resulting destruction that plagued the nation of Israel.  The destruction of the land and the pain caused by sin was astonishing and the people were either dead or in great torment.  People often consider God to be distant and unconcerned over the sins of His people.  Men often live as if there is no consequence for sin.  God has repeatedly demonstrated throughout history that this not the case; but sinful men prefer to ignore the evidence of truth in favor of continuing to live in the comfort of their sin.  The day of the Lord is a day of reckoning when men will be called to account for their sin and all will know that sin has great consequences before the Lord.

THE CRIES OF DEVASTATION: The land of Israel has been devastated by the repeated attack of what are called locust.  Several different species of locust are mentioned that sequentially devour everything in the land.  If that were not bad enough, the parched land is also scorched with fire and there is no water to bring relief to the dry and desolate land.  The herds of cattle and flocks of sheep are left without food or drink.  This is a description of complete devastation.  This is a graphic and awful picture of the consequences of sin and rebellion against God.  Since we know very little about the author Joel, we have a hard time knowing the exact fulfillment of this text.  It could refer to a literal infestation of locust and drought at some point in the early history of Israel.  It could refer to a figurative invasion of the Babylon that left the nation devastated towards the end of Israel’s history.  It could refer to the future judgment of God upon sin to come during the tribulation.  Whatever the actual fulfillment of Joel might be the truth remains that sin will always eventually lead to extreme cries of devastation.

THE CALL TO DEVOTION: In light of the devastation of the Land Joel call for the priests and spiritual leaders of the people to come before the Lord in repentance.  They are to lament over their sin, fast and pray for the Lord to forgive them.  The purpose of God’s devastation is always to lead the people of God to a place of devotion to Him.  The consequences of sin are so great that we are supposed to come before Him in humility, recognize our sin and ask Him for forgiveness.  There is no other way to be free from the consequences of sin but through repentance and faith in the Lord.  The cries of the spiritual leaders, the cries of Joel and even the cries of the animals in the fields are cries of repentance that should lead the people of God back into fellowship and devotion to the Lord.  God’s judgments are used to bring His people back into a right relationship with Him through repentance and recognition of sin.


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