Hosea 11:1-12

Unconditional love is a concept that is very hard for us to grasp because it goes against our human and fallen nature.  However, it is at the very essence of God’s nature.  He loves, not because we are lovable or because we have something to offer Him.  He loves us without cause and without selfish motives.  In fact He loves us when we have given Him every reason not to love us.  This is the love He expresses to us and He demonstrated to the nation of Israel.  God has revealed His anger over Israel’s rebellion but that is not the end of the story.  Even though He disciplined Israel in His anger and wrath He continues to love her and promises to deliver her from captivity.  Discipline is a demonstration of true love.  We may not always understand it or even feel it but that does not mean it is not true.

GOD DEMONSTRATED HIS LOVE THROUGH LIBERATION: When the nation of Israel was first formed she was enslaved in Egypt.  God was motivated by His immeasurable love to set her free with His strong hand.  He protected Israel and vanquished Egypt and she was liberated from her slavery.  As this new nations was traveling to the land He had promised to them He cared for them like a proud parent.  He fed them, clothed them, protected them, taught them how to walk and gave them direction.  He took them by the hand and led them with loving and tender care.  Despite this vivid demonstration of unconditional love the turned from God and worshiped idols.  They rejected His Word, refused His instruction and rebelled against Him like a hateful and hurtful teenager.  Even still God’s love predominated and though He had to discipline them, He refused to allow them to serve Egypt again.  Instead He used the Assyrians to discipline His children.  His heart breaks when He must discipline us but He will do so because His love is true and will always do what is best for us in light of eternity and not just what will make us feel good in the moment.

GOD WILL DEMONSTRATE HIS LOVE THROUGH RESTORATION: Even though Israel was unfaithful and did not reciprocate His love; God’s love remained firm.  While the nation was in captivity He continued to be overwhelmed with love for Israel.  This undeserved passion for His people stirs in His heart and causes Him to once again call for His people to come back to Him and He restores them to the land He had given them and He promises to transform them so that they will enjoy the delight of loving Him too.  This kind of love is inexplicable.  It goes beyond our ability to comprehend and is simply a truth we must learn to enjoy.  Our appreciation for God’s love should be great and stir us to a life of love and obedience.  No matter how far we may have strayed from the will of God; we are blessed by the amazing truth that God still loves us and longs to restore us to Himself.  He sent Jesus to make that restoration complete and possible.  This is the ultimate demonstration of unconditional love! 


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