Hosea 6:1-11

Hosea continues to call out for the nations of Israel and Judah to turn to the Lord and leave their idols behind.  There is a tone of desperation in his words as he tries to convince the people to come back to the Lord before He brings His judgment down upon them.  It is a hard thing to watch your people and even members of your family walk down the path of disobedience.  We cannot chose for them but we certainly can do what Hosea did and warn them of the consequence of their actions.  God invites His people to return to Him, but He will not wait forever.

A PLEA FOR REPENTANCE: Hose peas for the nations of Israel and Judah to repent of their sinful and idolatrous ways.  He points to God’s forgiving nature and His longing to heal those who He has disciplined.  God’ judgment is short lived in comparison with His loving kindness.  God is willing and able to restore those who repent in His sight.  He gives life to the dead.  He reveals Himself to all who genuinely seek Him.  Knowing God should be the hearts cry for all who are truly repentant.  He brings relief and refreshment and relief in response to repentance.  This should be the cry of all of our lives to those who do not know the Lord.  God is merciful and loving but requires that we turn to Him in repentance.

A PATH OF REBELLION: Unfortunately the people would not listen to Hosea.  Their love for the Lord was like fine mist that burned away in the morning sun.  God has warned them over and over called them to Himself but they have refused to listen.  This path of rebellion will now lead to the consequence of God’s judgment.  He will strip them of their freedom and bring them down in suffering.  The people have only given God an external allegiance in offering sacrifices and burnt offerings but they have no love for the Lord in their hearts.  They do not seek to know God or walk with Him.  They practice their religious rituals while they break the covenant that God had made with them.  They are evil in their schemes of deception and violence.  They are idolatrous and immoral.  This path will soon lead to the wrath of God.  We cannot hide from God behind masks of religion.  We must stand faithfully in our love and knowledge of God.


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