John 5:1-9

Disappointment has to be one of the most difficult emotions with which we have to deal in our lives.  It is hard when we get our hopes up only to have them come crashing down around us.  Desperation is often a sentiment that precedes disappointment.  Today’s text tells the story of a man whose life was full of desperation and disappointment.  Jesus returns to Jerusalem for one of the religious festivals, most likely Passover.  While He is in the city He comes upon a place with a multitude of sick people that were in hopes of being healed.  Jesus reaches out to one of these men and his life was changed forever.

WAITING: There was a place in Jerusalem where an angel would come and stir the waters of a pool on certain occasions.  The first person to get into the water after they were stirred; would be healed.  It is impossible for us to know if this is what actually happened or if this was a belief that the people had.  I tend to think it happened on occasion or it would have been very strange to have a multitude of people waiting for this phenomenon to happen.  It seems that the timing of the stirring of the waters was random and infrequent which demanded a great deal of patience and determination to wait for the waters to be stirred.  It must have been an excruciating exercise in patience to sit and wait.  It must have also been very disappointing to wait for long periods of time only to have another person step into the water first.  Waiting is a vital part of the Christian walk because there are many promises of Scripture that will only be fulfilled in the future.  In some ways waiting for these promises are more difficult because many of them will only be realized when we get to heaven.  In other ways, it is easier to wait for these promises because all who have trusted Christ can be assured that they will come true.  We must be careful to wait for these promises to be fulfilled in accordance with God’s will and the teaching of Scripture.

WISHING: The fact that only one person could be healed per stirring meant that by far and away the majority of the people who were waiting were simply left wising that they had gotten there first.  The man in our story was one of those who was left wishing time after time.  He had been unable to walk for thirty-eight years.  We don’t know who long he had been waiting by the pool, but we do know that he was unable to get to the water without the help of someone else.  This left him wishing that he had someone to help him, but it is hard to get someone to just sit and wait for something that is so limited and uncertain.  It must have been a rather gruesome scene to see all these sick people gathered in one place just watching and waiting and then when the waters stirred to see the mad dash to be the first to make it into the pool.  One person would leave rejoicing in being heled while all the rest we disappointed and left waiting and wishing again.  There are many hopes that we cultivate in our lives that are more wishful thinking than thy real promises of God’s Word.  It is important for us to be able to discern the difference.  Many disappointments in life come from unrealistic or unbiblical expectations.  We need to be careful to place our hopes on those things that are promised in God’s Word.  They will always come true.

WALKING: Jesus asks the man if he wants to be well.  This seems like an obvious question but life with the Lord is full of just these types of obvious questions: do you want to be saved from sin?  God enjoys hearing that we recognize our own needs.  The man affirms that he wants to be healed but explains that it is highly unlikely because of his inability to get to the water on his own.  Jesus has compassion on him and simply tells him to take up his bed and walk.  The man had spent nearly four decades without use of his legs but suddenly they sprang into life and he was able to walk.  God is not dependent on angels or waters; He is able to heal without limit.  The elation this man must have experienced is hard to imagine.  Illness is extremely difficult, especially when it is so limiting as being unable walk.  God has the power to remove these and all other types of afflictions.  Our greatest affliction is sin.  The main reason Jesus came to earth was not to make lame people walk but to free men from their bondage to sin.  He died on the cross to pay the price for all of our sin.  When we trust Him we are set free from sin and able to walk in the presence of God without any spot or blemish.  This is the true healing that all of us need to experience and that all of us can experience through faith in Jesus.

APPLICATION: Wait patiently for the promises of Scripture to be fulfilled but be careful not to expect that which Scripture does not promise.  Thank God for His limitless ability to set us free from sin.  We are not in competition with one another for the free gift of forgiveness.  Trust Christ for salvation from sin and then walk enjoying the freedom He purchased with His blood.


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