John 5:31-46

Truth is an elusive commodity in today’s culture.  Relativity seems to rule the day in the hearts and minds of so many in our society.  Apparently, the search for truth is not a new thing.  Jesus is being confronted for His claim of being the Son of God with the authority to do the will of the Father and the power to accomplish all the Father has sent Him to do.  He is striving to demonstrate to His audience that He is speaking the truth.  He knows that they will not accept His testimony about Himself even though He has just healed a man that had been lame for almost forty years.  In order to prove His identity as the Son of God; Jesus calls three witnesses to testify as to who He truly is.  Unfortunately, no matter how convincing these testimonies might be; Jesus knows that the hearts of most of the people to whom He is speaking will be closed to the truth of who He is.  The same continues to be true today.  People do not reject Jesus because there is no proof that His claims are true.  People reject Jesus because their hearts are hard and they love their sin so much that they choose to hide behind relativism.

THE TESTIMONY OF JOHN: In a court of Law people are allowed to testify on their own behalf.  However, most lawyers realize that juries are usually not convinced by these kinds of testimonies because most people will lie in order to save their own skin.  Jesus has repeatedly proven His claims with miracles that should have convinced people but He knows they continue in unbelief.  The first witness Jesus calls in John the Baptist.  John was a respected member of the community who had publicly identified Jesus as the Messiah.  The Jews had questioned John in private about who Jesus was in an attempt to discredit this testimony.  John had stayed firm in his testimony.  John was a light that pointed the people to the truth and the people had received his testimony for a while but now that Jesus was doing things that were not according to their expectations and was offensive to their traditions; they rejected John’s testimony.  The truth has a way of being offensive to us because it challenges our beliefs and often confronts our behavior.  John gave clear and consistent testimony as to the identity and purpose of Jesus but they continued to reject Him.

THE TESTIMONY OF THE FATHER: John was a man who was subject to error so Jesus points to His second witness as being God the Father.  The Father testified as to the identity of Jesus in several ways.  He spoke in an audible voice when Jesus was being baptized.  There were many witnesses who heard this voice that confirmed what John had already clearly declared.  This had only happened on one other occasion when God spoke the Ten Commandments in an audible voice to the children of Israel on Mount Sinai.  Besides this audible confirmation of the identity of Jesus, the Father testified about the Son by sending Him and empowering Him to do the miracles He performed.  No man could do the things that Jesus did apart from the power of the Father.  The fact that Jesus healed the sick, made the lave to walk, the blind to see and raised the dead should have been obvious proof that the Father had sent Jesus.  If the Father was empowering the Son to do these miracles than it should have been obvious that the Father was also instructing the Son with His message.  Jesus condemns the unbelief of the people because they are unable to recognize the work of the Father through the Son.  They have not heard His voice or seen His form because they are not willing to recognize that Jesus in the true revelation of the Father.  Jesus is the Body and the Voice of the Father.  He who sees and hears the Son has seen and heard the Father. 

THE TESTIMONY OF THE SCRIPTURE: The final testimony Jesus calls is the Scripture.  The Jewish leaders claimed to be students of the Scripture and defenders of the Law.  They think that their understanding and interpretation of the Scriptures will give them eternal life.  The problem is that they are blind to the truth of the Scriptures because the Scriptures testify as to the identity of Jesus.  Instead, they twist and abuse the Scripture to support their precious traditions and maintain their positions of power and prestige.  They know nothing of the love of God and they deny the truth of God.  Jesus has come in the name of the Father and they have rejected Him.  In the future, the anti-Christ will come in his own name seeking his own glory and the people will fall for his deception.  The religious leaders took comfort from their numbers and assured one another that they could not all be wrong.  But the truth of the matter is that there might be comfort in numbers; but there is no guarantee of truth in numbers.  They are not seeking to glorify God, they were simply taking turns glorifying one another so they could turn their backs on the truth.  Jesus tells them in no uncertain terms that they will be condemned, not based on His testimony against them but based on the Scripture.  Moses was the author of the Law and they claimed to be guardians of the Law.  In reality, they were ignorant of the Law and had elevated their own traditions above the Law.  Moses had never prohibited healing on the Sabbath or the simple act of carrying one’s bed after having been healed.  The Jewish leaders had decided to define work according to their own inconsistent standards.  Just as they chose to ignore the clear revelation of Scripture in favor of their own traditions; they were now choosing to reject Jesus because He did not fit with their expectations or maintain their self-righteous standards.  Moses had written about Jesus but their refusal to recognize Jesus revealed their rejection of Scripture.

APPLICATION: Testify to all men everywhere as to the true identity of Jesus as the Son of God who has paid for our sin on the cross and risen again so that we can be saved from sin.  Many will reject our testimony just liked John’s testimony was rejected but that should never stop us from testifying.  Believe that Jesus and the Father are one based on the evidence of His work and the truth of His teaching.  Study the Scriptures with and open heart and mind without imposing our traditions and preconceived ideas on the text.  Seek to know Jesus through the revelation of Scripture.


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