John 5:10-18

Legalism is a very dangerous tendency to which all our hearts are attracted.  Grace and mercy sound wonderful to us be they don’t flow naturally from us so they are not as attractive to us.  Keeping rules and regulations allow us to feel some sort of merit that stimulates our pride.  Thankfully, God does not deal with believers based on their merits; He extend grace and mercy to those who trust Him.  Jesus has just healed a man who spent almost forty years without being able to walk.  Normally this would have been cause for great celebration; but Jesus happened to have performed this miracle on the Sabbath.  When the Jews saw the man carrying his bed; they confronted him with doing work on the Sabbath.  This is a classic example of the blindness legalism can cause.  Instead of rejoicing with this man in his healing, they were criticizing him for “working” on the Sabbath.  What follows is a series of events that demonstrate the contrast between legalism and grace.

AN INQUISITION: Because the man was carrying his bed on the Sabbath, the Jews confronted him with a violation of the Sabbath.  Only minutes earlier he had been helpless to carry even the weight of his own body on his lame lags.  Now he is able to walk and carry his bed.  Instead of being amazed at the power of healing they had witnessed, they were focusing on their legalistic interpretation of the Law.  The Law permitted taking care of emergencies on the Sabbath so Jesus was not in violation of the Sabbath and the man was not performing work, he was simply taking care of his belongings.  When they confronted him, he simply informed them that he was just doing what the man who healed him had told him to do.  They then started the process of an inquisition to find out who had dared to tell the man to carry his bed.  He honestly told them that he didn’t know.  Traditions and regulations can easily make us blind to the mercy and grace of God.  The Jew’s focus on their interpretation of the Law caused them to not only ignore a miraculous healing but to stand in condemnation of others.

AN INSTRUCTION: When Jesus saw the man in the temple again; He had a word of instruction for this man.  He simply told the man to abandon his sin or the consequences would be much worse than the illness that took away his ability to walk.  His illness was only physical and the consequences were an inability to walk.  The consequences of sin are much worse than being lame.  Not all illness is as a result of our personal sin; but some illness is.  In many respects, it is better to suffer under the consequences of sin than it is to allow sin to go unchecked.  When sin is allowed to reign in the lives of people without repentance and faith in Christ the result is an eternity in hell.  Spiritual reconciliation with the Father is of far greater value than the ability to walk.  Jesus came to free us from sin on every level.  Healing can never become more important to us than forgiveness.  Our spiritual well-being is always more important than our physical health.  This second encounter with the man was of far greater eternal value than the first.

AN INDIGNATION: The man informed the Jews that it was Jesus who had healed him.  It is very likely that they knew this to be true already but they wanted to try to have a witness against Jesus as part of their plot to get rid of Him.  When the Jews confronted Jesus with having healed on the Sabbath and then instructed the healed man to carry his bed; Jesus responded by stating the Father and He were both working to bring about the salvation of men.  This went against all that these Jewish people believed.  They understood that Jesus was claiming to have a special relationship with the Father.  This was considered to by blasphemy so they were filled with indignity at such a claim.  They completely ignored His supernatural ability to cure so they failed to connect the fact that this healing was evidence as to His ability to forgive as well.  They were blinded by their own legalism and so their hearts were full of anger instead of joy.  God’s will is to have a personal relationship with all of us.  However, that can only be accomplished by grace through faith.  Legalism will never result in a relationship with the Father. 

APPLICATION: Guard our hearts from the blindness of Legalism.  Respond to God’s grace demonstrated in our lives by living a life of holiness before Him.  Rejoice in the grace of God and trust Jesus for forgiveness as means of entering into a vibrant relationship with God.  


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