Matthew 9:20-22 Mark 5:25-34 Luke 8:43-38

Hope is vital to our lives and ability to function properly.  When we lose hope despair begins to take over our lives which can lead to all kinds of terrible things.  When the flames of hope begin to flicker in our hearts we can climb out of the most difficult of circumstances.  Today’s text tells the story of a woman who had lost all hope until she heard about the power of Jesus to heal the sick.  She had faith in the power of the Lord and her faith brought her hope.  Faith and hope always walk hand in hand.  When we have no faith; our hope will fade.  When our faith is strong; our hope will grow too.  This narrative is a beautiful demonstrations of faith, hope, power, compassion and restoration.  There are many parallels to our own spiritual lives and how we can find hope and reconciliation through faith in the Lord Jesus. 

THE WOMAN’S DESPERATION: This woman had been sick for twelve years of hemorrhaging.  We don’t know what was causing this condition but there could have been any number of physical ailments that would have caused these symptoms.  As a Jewish woman, this condition would have made her unclean so she could not go to the temple to offer sacrifices and she would have been cut off from almost everyone in that society because anyone she touched would have also been made unclean.  She had tried everything to get better.  She had gone to many different doctors and tried many different treatments to the point that she had spent all of her money.  Now she was not only sick and separated from society but she was also in financial ruin.  Her heart was filled with desperation as all of her hopes just faded away.  This is the spiritual reality of everyone who is without Christ.  We are desperately lost in our sin and have no way to set ourselves free from sin.  All of our attempts to gain our liberty from sin are futile apart from Christ.  When the woman heard about Christ she determined that if she could only find a way to get close enough to touch Him; she would be healed.  Most people would have thought that Jesus would have to intentionally extend a hand of healing or say a prayer that would bring healing.  This woman was either too embarrassed to ask Jesus directly or too ashamed of herself that she just wanted to stay in the background.  Whatever her motives, she just came up behind Him, reached out her hand and touched His clothing.  She was immediately healed.  For the first time in twelve years she was not bleeding.

THE CROWD’S DENIAL: When the woman touched Him, Jesus felt the power of His healing leave His body.  He stopped and asked who had touched Him.  The crowd had two responses to the question.  The first response was denial.  They said that nobody had touched Him.  The second response was to point out the fact that Jesus was in the middle of a very big crowd of people.  In essence they were saying that everybody had touched Him.  These two responses parallel the typical responses that men have towards Jesus today: denial and universalism.  Some people simply deny that they believe in Jesus and refuse to admit that He is the Son of God.  Others take the position that all people everywhere are God’s children and that we have all “touched” Him in our own special way.  Both of these responses will leave mankind chained to their sin.  Jesus has the power to heal and He has the power to forgive sins.  He is stands ready and willing to save us but He requires that we believe in Him in order to save us.  As long as we deny Him or think that we have no need of Him; we remain lost and in need of salvation.  We must believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He has the power to free us from sin through His death and resurrection.  We must intentionally recognize our need of Jesus and by faith ask Him to forgive our sin and reconcile us to the Father. 

THE LORD’S DELIVERANCE: When the woman sees that Jesus knows that His power to heal had been used; she confesses to having touched Jesus.  She admits to having believed that His touch could heal her and she testifies to the fact that she has indeed been healed.  Jesus praises her faith and tells her to go in peace because she has indeed been healed.  Her faith had healed her through His power.  There were likely many sick people in the crowd that day but only she had the faith and courage to reach out and touch Jesus in confidence that He could solve her problem.  Jesus waits for all of us to come to the point where we recognize that we cannot save ourselves and come before Him to ask Him to save us.  Just as Jesus set this woman fee from her illness; He can set us free from the power of sin that enslaves us.  All of our good works and religious practices are useless to save us; they will only fill our hearts with pride and make matters worse.  Our only hope for deliverance is faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus.

APPLICATION: Recognize our desperate situation and trust in Jesus as our only source of hope for salvation from sin.  Don’t deny Christ or foolishly believe that all people will somehow be reconciled to God no matter what they believe.  Rejoice in the peace and forgiveness of sin that Jesus offers to all who believe.


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