Matthew 9:27-31

Needs come in all different shapes and sizes and at many different stages in our lives.  We have seen Jesus performing many kinds of healings in many different circumstances.  There was no formula that was followed in every circumstance.  In today’s text, we find two blind men who follow Jesus to a home where the miracle takes place.  Some of His miracles were performed in private while others were performed in public.  Every person and every circumstance in unique.  We tend to try to find patterns and then expect for the work of God to always follow that pattern.  This is not a very wise way to relate with God.  God is not only aware of all our circumstances but He is in control of them.  Our job is not to try to “figure God out” but to trust Him.  We make requests to Him according to our needs and then trust Him to do what is best. 

A REQUEST FOR MERCY: Two blind men follow Jesus on the streets calling for Him to have mercy on them.  They recognize Him as the son of David and they believe that He has the power to heal them if He wants to.  It is interesting that they are asking Him to have mercy on them.  This demonstrates that they recognize that they are not worthy of that for which they are asking.  It also demonstrates that they are unable to resolve their problem on their own.  This is the reality in which each of us live.  None of us are worthy of God’s favor and we are all deserving of all the difficulties we face and more.  What all of us desperately need is mercy!  Many times, when we face hardship we tend to become angry with God.  This is not correct thinking.  It demonstrates a self-centered approach to life that we all tend have.  God knows what He is doing and will use the easy and difficult times in our lives according to His will.  Any health that we have is due to His mercy and any healing we may experience is also due purely to God’s mercy and grace.

A RESPONSE OF A MIRACLE: Once they reach the home where Jesus was staying he asks them if they have faith in His ability to heal them.  He simply replies, “yes Lord.”  He touches their eyes and says that it will be done to them according to their faith and they were healed.  His power and their faith worked in conjunction with one another and result was a miracle of healing.  God deals with us through faith.  It is what He looks for in each of our lives.  Without faith, we are unable to relate with God on any level.  Our salvation is granted to us through faith.  God does not depend on our faith in order to be able to accomplish His will but He does respond to our faith.  Thankfully, He is also gracious to grow our faith through His workings in our lives.  No matter what we face in life, God’s expectation is that we trust Him and believe that He has the power and wisdom to do that which is best in light of eternity.  He has the ability to heal blindness and raise the dead but we must trust Him to do so or not in His time and way.

A REPEATED MESSAGE: Jesus requested that the blind men not tell anyone about their healing.  It is hard to know exactly why He repeatedly requested that the people he healed not publish the fact that they were healed by Him.  The most logical reason was to keep from attracting such large crowds for healing that it took away from His ability to teach.  No matter what His motives, it seems like these requests always fell on deaf ears.  The blind men had been healed.  This was great news and they were not about to keep quiet about it.  When something amazing happens to us, we naturally tell others about it.  This principle should always hold true for our salvation.  Our sins have been forgiven through the Lord Jesus Christ and we must be faithful to tell others about His wonderful work of grace and mercy in our lives. 

APPLICATION: We must all recognize our need for mercy from God for the forgiveness of sin and for the circumstances of our lives.  We must never think that we are deserving of His grace.  Our trust in His power and wisdom should stand firm in every circumstance we face.  Our mouths must always be full of praise for the amazing grace He has lavished on us.


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