Matthew 9:9-13 Mark 2:13-17 Luke 5:27-32

Controversy is something that most of us try to avoid.  We generally prefer the “status quo” over conflict with others.  Many times our highest priority seems to be peace and harmony and we do all that we can to please people.  Jesus was not like that.  He did not shy away from the controversial as long as it was in line with the mission that the Father had sent Him on.  God had called the nation of Israel to be His chosen people in order to bless all the nations of the world through them.  Instead the religious leaders became proud and self-absorbed.  They did all they could to isolate themselves from the outside world and exclude anyone who they considered to be inferior to themselves.  Jesus stood in stark contrast to this way of life and was greatly criticized because of it.  We all have a tendency to judge people by what we see on the outside.  Most of us would have never chosen the men that Jesus choose to be His disciples.  But Jesus could see their heart and He was completely in tune with the will of the Father and sought to fulfill His will no matter what the cost to Himself.

JESUS IS COMMUNING WITH TAX COLLECTORS: Jesus continues to call people to follow Him as His disciples.  Just as He found Peter, John and their brothers at work; Jesus finds Matthew at work only he is a tax collector.  None of us are fond of paying taxes but the tax collectors in this period of time were especially despised.  They represented the Roman Empire and the oppression of the people of Israel.  Beyond that, they we also very famous for being corrupt.  It was an excepted and common practice for them to charge higher rates than were required and pad their pockets with the excess.  In general, they were seen as greedy traitors.  When Jesus calls Matthew he immediately leaves his post and then throws a banquet for Jesus and many of his friends who were also tax collectors.  Jesus is spending time with these people and teaching them how God wants them to live.  Christians have a strong tendency to spend the majority of their time with other Christians.  This is only natural because we have similar interests and enjoy encouraging one another along life’s path.  However, God calls us to live beyond the natural and trust Him to do the supernatural.  He wants us to step outside of our comfort zone and show His love to those who need it most.

JESUS IS CONDEMNED BY RELIGIOUS LEADERS: When the scribes and Pharisees see Jesus in Matthew’s home eating and drinking with a bunch of tax collectors; they were horrified.  They immediately sought out the people who were closest to Jesus and asked them why Jesus would relate to and eat with these terrible sinners.  Little did they know that their sins were far more dangerous than those of the tax collectors.  The tax collectors knew that they were being sinful and were ready to abandon their dishonesty and follow the Lord.  The religious leaders were so wrapped up in themselves that the presence of these sinners was simply unimaginable to them.  It is an easy thing for us to be sensitive to the sins of others but completely blind to our own sins.  We must do all that we can to guard our hearts from this sort of pride as well as this type condemnation of those who we judge to be below us spiritually. 

JESUS IS COMPASSIONATE TOWARDS SINNERS: Jesus responds to this criticism by simply stating that His purpose was to seek and to save those who were lost and not those who were wrapped up in their own self-righteousness.  Those who are sick are the ones who need to see a doctor.  Jesus is the Great Physician who is able to bring healing of every sickness and control every circumstance.  We can trust Him and be grateful that He brought us into a personal relationship with Himself.  The scribes and Pharisees were trying to imply that they had no needs and that it was completely unexpected to seek to relate with these tax collectors.  These leaders were all wrapped up in their own rituals and sacrifices but had not love or compassion in their hearts.  We need to understand that God loves sinners and longs to be reconciled with them through the Lord Jesus.  This was the priority in which Jesus lived and ought to be the focus of our lives as well. 

APPLICATION: Seek for opportunities to relate with and eat with sinners in order to try to share Christ with them.  Don’t be impressed by our own righteousness or holiness.  Humility is vital to having a right relationship with God.  Don’t be intimidated by the opinions of men.  Develop compassion for the lost and not a ritualistic religion in which we just go through the motions without a true heart for God.


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