Matthew 9:14-15 Mark 2:18-20 Luke 5:33-35

Comparison and the fear of man usually walk hand in hand.  We have a tendency to like to compare ourselves with others because we usually look for those who we deem to be doing worse than we are which allows us to feel proud of ourselves.  When we long for the approval of others we try to call attention to those things that we feel we are doing better at and then expect to be praised for those things.  Jesus created a lot of controversy with His teachings and actions.  The things that He did and said were direct contradictions to the traditions that had spread throughout Judaism.  The religious leaders constantly voiced their displeasure to Him because He made them feel bad about themselves and worse yet, He did not seem to care about their approval.  They were constantly comparing themselves to the sinners because it made them seem better and their hearts were filled with pride.  However, when Jesus failed to fear them and then criticized them their longing for the approval of others came flowing to the surface.  They were focused on themselves so their hearts were full of pride and fear.  When we focus on the Lord Jesus our hearts will be full of humility and joy.

JESUS REJECTED RITUALISTIC RELIGION: The disciples of John the Baptist and the disciples of the Pharisees were in the habit of fasting.  The practice had become yet another religious ritual that was performed as a means of earning the approval of God.  The purpose of fasting was to demonstrate sorrow over sin, humility before God and a desire to spend time with God.  Instead it had become a ritual that became sinful because it promoted pride and was focused on man and not God at all.  We, by our very natures, like to think that we can earn everything that we need.  We don’t like the idea of being given things by grace or being dependent on others.  It seems debasing to us when we have to ask for help or admit to our own weakness.  This is why works based religion is so attractive to us.  We like to have rules and regulations to keep and rituals to perform because in doing so we feel like we are being worthy of our salvation.  We don’t like the idea of being given handouts that we have not earned in some way.  Fasting had become a symbol of self-righteous religion that promoted pride instead of sorrowful repentance that flowed from humility.  It was a means through which the people felt like they were earning their salvation.  The problem was not with the fasting in and of itself; the problem was with what they considered to be the merits of their fasting.  There is no way that we can earn our salvation through fasting, obedience to rules and regulations or any other religious rituals.  In order to come before God, we must come in humility, repentance and completely dependent on His grace.

JESUS RECEIVED REJOICING RELATIONSHIPS: Jesus responded to the question about fasting by stating that it was in appropriate for the friends of the groom to fast during a wedding reception.  Jesus is referring to Himself as the groom and stating that as long as He was with them it was a time of great rejoicing because they were in a relationship with Him.  Weddings are supposed to be happy occasions.  If we see a bride or groom or members of the wedding party that are crying from sadness we know that something is desperately wrong.  The only tears we expect to see at a wedding are tears of joy.  However, Jesus made it clear that there would be a time when His disciples would fast because they were facing days of suffering in the absence of the Groom.  Jesus is in heaven preparing a place for us His bride.  During this time when we are separated from the Groom it is completely appropriate and expected for us to fast in the right way.  We don’t fast in order to impress God or others or to promote our own pride.  We fast in order to be reminded of our weakness and dependence on God.  We fast in order to have time to spend with God in prayer.  We fast to discipline our minds and bodies for eternal instead of temporal pursuits.  However, the focus of our lives is a relationship with the God through the forgiveness we have received by grace through faith in the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.  This relationship is a source of great rejoicing that springs from our eternal hope in the promises of God that supersedes any suffering we might face in the present while we wait for the return of the Groom.  God wants us to rejoice in our relationship with Him not try to impress Him with our efforts, rituals and self-righteousness.  We are the bride of Christ.  He is preparing a wonderful place where we can dwell with Him for all of eternity.  As we wait our hearts should be filled with love, hope, expectation and joy.  This is the result of our relationship with Him which is founded on faith in His identity as the Son of God and the shedding of His blood on the cross as payment for our sin.  His resurrection gives us hope for our own resurrection and the glorious day when we will be fully reconciled to the Father for all of eternity. 

APPLICATION: Beware of the tendency in our hearts to follow the pride producing religious rituals that flow from self-righteousness.  We must be intentional about fighting off the religion of works that is so easily planted in our hearts.  Rejoice in our relationship with Jesus and the love and grace that He has lavished on us.  Trust Him alone for forgiveness of sin.  Fast out of a desire to spend time with Him, depend upon Him and recognize our own weakness.


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