Leviticus 17:1-16
Idolatry is bound up in the heart of man since the fall in the Garden of Eden. God created us to worship Him, which means that we, by nature are worshipers. When we refuse to worship God in the way that He has prescribed or we worship other people or things, we are committing idolatry. This is the sin that God has called us to avoid and we must strive to honor Him by obeying what He has commanded of us in our worship.
SACRIFICE WAS TO BE MADE IN THE PROPER PLACE: The children of Israel were to present their sacrifices in the tabernacle and not in some place outside the camp. This was the clear command of God in order to prevent men from worshiping other gods and setting up parallel religions. God alone is worthy of our worship. Israel was constantly breaking this command during its history as they would often set up altars on which they made sacrifices to God but not in the place that God had designated. Since they sacrifice was made in the wrong place it was easy for that to change into the wrong purpose as eventually the places of worship became centers of idolatry. We are not free to worship God in the way that we want. We are called to worship God in the way that He has prescribed. When it comes to worship, or anything for that matter, God always knows best. It is not our job to invent; it is our job to obey.
BLOOD WAS TO BE SHED FOR THE PROPER PURPOSE: The blood of animals was the source of life and therefore was sacred unto the Lord. It was not to be consumed by men. Blood was the significant portion of the sacrifice that was sprinkled on the altar as atonement for sin. It was wrong to take that which was intended for the purpose of atonement and use it for satisfying the flesh of man. The blood was sacred to God and was to be placed on the altar or poured out on the ground and covered. We must always be careful to revere that which is sacred and not treat in flippantly. God has clear purpose in our lives and we are called to follow His revealed purpose and not our own plan. The blood of Christ has made the permanent atonement for our sin, so the blood of animals is no longer necessary for that purpose. We must never forget the sacredness of Christ’s blood which was shed on our behalf for the forgiveness of sin.
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