Numbers 4:1-49

A big part of what the Levites had to do was take care of the tabernacle.  It was a sacred structure that required maintenance and it had to be carried from one place to another when the children of Israel were to move.  This created a serious problem because only Aaron and the priests were allowed to have access to the spaces and the objects within the tabernacle.  It is impressive to see how detailed God was in His insistence that care be taken with the tabernacle in order to keep it sacred and to keep those who responsible for its care alive.

THE PREPARATION: Before anything could be moved and before the Levites were allowed access to the sacred spaces and objects, Aaron and his sons had to make detailed preparations.  Each object was to be covered with a special and specific cloth and they it was all to be wrapped with porpoise skins.  That which is sacred must never be treated with a flippant and carefree attitude.  God made it very clear that His presence was in this tabernacle and that these objects were separated for worship.  The irreverence with which we tend to treat God and His presence today is a very sobering thing.  One day we will all stand in God’s presence and give an account for how we lived in the reverence and fear of the Lord in this life.

THE DISTRIBUTION: Each family from the tribe of Levi had a specific part of the tabernacle for which they were responsible.  One was responsible to carry the furnishings, another was responsible to carry the curtains and another was responsible to carry the structure.  These jobs were similar but they were not interchangeable.  God had a specific family to do a specific part of the job.  God used revelation to Moses in order to let each person know what their job was.  Whenever we need to know what God wants us to do in the work of His kingdom we can go to His Word and see what He has revealed to us.  There are times where God may call us to do a specific task at a specific time and place but He will be sure to let us know this.  However, His Word is always a secure source of direction for our lives as we seek to discern how we can best serve Him and seek to expand the kingdom.


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