Numbers 7:1-89

Giving and sacrifice were integral parts of the life and culture of the children of Israel.  Offerings were necessary for the support of the tribe of Levi who was responsible for maintaining the tabernacle and leading the people in worship.  Sacrifices were necessary in order to maintain fellowship with God as they recognized their sin and the need for blood to be shed in order to cover that sin.  Obviously the blood of goats, lambs and oxen were not sufficient to cover the sins of men, but these sacrifices were made in anticipation of the ultimate sacrifice of Christ that would be made for the forgiveness of sin.  Today we continue to give offerings in order to support those who lead us in worship and minister the Word of God in our lives.  We no longer make sacrifices of our livestock to cover our sin because Christ has already paid that price, so we lay our own lives down on the altar of service out of gratitude for the amazing sacrifice of Christ that was made on our behalf.

OFFERINGS FOR TRANSPORTATION: Each tribe provided a cart and a team of oxen that were given to the tribe of Levi for the purpose of being able to transport the tabernacle from one place to another when the Lord called them to move.  This was a very practical offering for a very practical need.  Many times the work of the Lord requires some very practical tools in order for it to go forward.  Cars, buildings and equipment are needed in order for ministries to be able to be effective whether that be a local church or some other type of ministry.  God wants us to be willing to provide for these types of needs through our giving to His work.  The tabernacle was a huge structure with a lot of “stuff” that needed to be hauled from place to place.  Carts and oxen were needed to do the job efficiently.  The entire body worked together to meet that need and the work of the Lord was free to move forward as planned.

OFFERINGS FOR DEDICATION: Each tribe provided silver and gold utensils that were to be used in the service of the tabernacle along with hundreds of animals that were to be sacrificed as a part of the dedication of the tabernacle.  Each tribe brought the exact same things and was represented by the leader of that tribe.  These sacrifices were to be made in dedication of the tabernacle as the means through which the children of Israel could enjoy fellowship with God through the forgiveness of sin.  It was also a means of providing for the needs of the priests and their families.  It is important for us to constantly keep the sacrifice of Christ in our minds as the means through which we have been forgiven.  Each time we confess our sin we must be faithful to remember the death of Christ as the means through which our fellowship with God is possible.  Our hearts should be constantly filled with gratitude for the sacrifice of Christ that cleanses us from sin. 


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