Psalm 150:1-6
We conclude our long journey through the wonderful book of
Psalms. The theme throughout has been
praising the Lord. It is only fitting
that the conclusion be this beautiful call to praise the Lord. The language is too poetic for me to try to
reproduce. I will just sum it all up
with these three observations:
PRAISE THE LORD EVERYWHERE: God is to be praised in the His
holy place, here called His sanctuary.
This seems to refer the temple or to what we would call church. Certainly we are to gather corporately for
the purpose of praising the Lord. God is
praised in His mighty heavens. Angels
and the human inhabitants of heaven are constantly engaged in praising the Lord
and we will be occupied with praise for all of eternity when these mighty
heavens are our home too. His deeds and
His greatness are always worth of praise.
PRAISE THE LORD WITH EVERYTHING: David calls us to look for
anything and everything and use it as an instrument of praise to the Lord. Trumpets, lutes, harps, tambourines, dances,
guitars, pipes, cymbals and voice are all instruments of praise to our
God. These and many more things should
all be employed for the purpose of praising our Lord. The point is not to determine what things are
sacred instruments because they are mentioned here but the point is that all
that we own ought to be used for the purpose of praise.
PRAISE THE LORD EVERYONE: All of God’s creation is dedicated
to the praise of the Lord. All of us who
breathe should praise the Lord with every breath and for as long as we have
breath. We look forward to that glorious
day when God will breathe into us eternal breath that we might use it
perpetually for the purpose of praising our glorious God.
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