Job 38:1-41

Finally, the speeches of Job and his friends come to an end.  Job’s complaints and his friends’ condemnation are brought to an abrupt stop when God decides to reveal Himself to Job.  Apparently, God speaks in a way that is audible through a whirlwind.  That must have been an awesome experience to suddenly see a rush of wind and then hear the voice of God pierce through the silence and bring an end to all the speculation of the last dozens of chapters.  Today men scoff at the idea of God and make all kinds of speculations about Him.  Some claim to have special revelations from Him and then teach all kinds of doctrines about Him.  One day, God will reveal Himself to this world again in an unmistakable way.  Jesus will return as King and establish His reign on the earth.  He will speak to us and end all of the speculations that men have had through the centuries.  We can look forward to this day, but must also make every effort to prepare for this day.  God takes the stage in the book of Job and it is now His turn to question Job.

GOD REVEALS HIMSELF AS THE CREATOR OF THE WORLD: God brings an end to all of the discussion about what is justice and why these circumstances have fallen on Job.  God speaks to Job by asking him an endless series of questions about the mysteries of the universe.  Job and his friends have all repeatedly claimed to have knowledge and understanding.  But, when God begins His questionings, it become very clear that they do not understand even the basic building blocks of the planet on which they live.  God declares to them that He is the creator of the World.  He is the One who has set this world in its place and made everything that exists.  There is not one person besides God who can make this claim.  God set the stars in the sky, the water in the sea and laid the foundations of the mountain.  As impressive as man’s building projects might be, they do not compare with the creation of the universe and its vast expanse.

GOD REVEALS HIMSELF AS THE CARETAKER OF THE WORLD: Not only did God create the Earth, but He also is constantly working to sustain the Earth and take care of all the different aspects of nature.  The different weather patterns and variety of temperature are all under the control of God who is the Caretaker of the planet.  As much as man may work to try to understand the patterns in the weather we have never found a way to control the weather.  The most we can do is observe the weather and then use those observations to make predictions.  Even still, our predictions are often inaccurate.  However, we must realize that observing is far different from controlling and determining.  God is certainly high above man and it is not our place to question Him.  It is His place to question and judge us.  We are called to stand in awe of Him, to worship and praise Him and to live for His honor and glory.


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