Job 40:1-24

God continues to question Job and now invites Job to answer Him.  For once, and very wisely, Job has nothing to say.  He simply stands in awe of God, places his hand over his mouth and can come up with no response before the Lord.  This reminds me of a typical school yard scene where a kid will talk like he is all tough and makes loud boast about he is willing to take on all contenders until the big kind comes out and suddenly the loud mouth falls into silence.  Job has been full of self-justification for all of these chapters and has been pleading with an opportunity to speak with God and hear from God, but now that he has the opportunity; he realizes how foolish he had been and simply falls silent before the Lord.  We may not know or understand what God is doing or allowing in our lives, but we must strive to recognize that He is above us and it is our place to worship Him not stand in judgment of Him or question His ways.  We may talk with arrogance here of earth, but when we stand before Him on the Day of Judgment, we will fall in silence before Him and worship.

GOD DETESTS PRIDE IN THE HEART OF HIS CREATION: God exposes Job’s pride and makes it clear that Job has overstepped his bounds by questioning God’s justice and integrity.  It is very easy for us to lose perspective on who we are and who God is especially in times of testing and trial.  Pride will lead us to complain, argue and question the Lord.  The reality is that we are in no position to do such things.  God calls us to be grateful, submissive and worship Him, not stand before Him as a judge.  He is our judge, not the other way around.  We must recognize our place before God and be very careful not to consider ourselves higher than we ought to think.  Humility is the means by which we please the Lord.  We must guard our hearts from the pride that leads us down the path of shame and destruction.

GOD DEMONSTRATES HIS POWER THROUGH HIS CREATION: God describes one of His grandest and largest creations.  It sounds like He is describing a type of dinosaur.  The size and the strength of this animal would cause any man to stand in awe and respect of this amazing creature.  If we fear the creation does it not make sense that we fear the God who created such an amazing animal.  Just as man stands powerless before such a beast, man must come to the point that he seems himself as powerless before the Lord.  He is the sovereign God of this universe and we owe Him all of our love, honor worship and fear.  He has demonstrated His power through the glory of all that He has made.  We must learn to humbly bow down before Him in humble adoration. 


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