Psalm 10:1-18

Things are not always as they seem to us.  We have a human perspective on the events of the world so we observe and interpret them in a very limited and incomplete way.  God has a divine perspective that allows Him to see both the past and the future in their entirety so His actions or lack of actions in the present are based upon His eternal perspective.  There will be times when we think that God should act and He does not.  There will be times when God acts swiftly when we would have waited with patience.  No matter what the case or the situation might be, we must always remember that God is right.  He has information that we do not have and His understanding is always perfect.  We must learn to trust His decisions and His timing because we know that He will always do what is best.

THE WICKED RELAX WHEN GOD’S JUDGMENT DELAYS: The wicked get comfortable in their sin because the judgment of the Lord is delayed in their lives.  They think that because their sin against God and their oppression of the poor goes unpunished that it is going unnoticed.  They either see God as powerless to stop them or non-existent.  They are wrong.  Their prosperity and the apparent lack of consequences gives them confidence to delve even deeper into sin.  They become greedy and violent and profit for themselves at the expense of others.  The problem is that not only the wicked have this perspective.  Often times, the righteous interpret their reality according to these same observations.  It seems as if God is unaware or ignoring the sins of the wicked.  It is easy for us to become discouraged or impatient because we think that sin should be dealt with in a quicker way.  The impression we often have is that God has forgotten us or that He does not care for us.  This is the wrong impression and we must fight it with every fiber of our being and trust that the Lord’s ways and His timing are always perfect.

THE WICKED REGRET WHEN GOD’S JUDGMENT DESCENDS: There will come a day when the wicked will deeply regret every single one of their sinful deeds.  They will realize that God is not powerless or ignorant and they will be acutely aware of His existence.  God will reveal that He has seen and recorded every wicked act and He will judge men because of their wicked deeds.  God will rescue the fatherless and the oppressed and He will take vengeance upon those who sinned against the helpless.  God hears our prayers and He will answer them according to His will and at the perfect time which He has determined.  The day is coming when all will be set right.  That day may be very close or it may be far away, but it is coming.  God’s judgment cannot be stopped and our only hope of being liberated from it is through repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  We must not become impatient but use this time to strengthen our faith and to spread the Good News that Jesus saves until He returns to judge this world in His wrath.  


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