Psalms 9:1-20

Gratitude is a simple enough concept that we strive to teach our children from a very young age.  We want to protect them from a sense of entitlement where they transmit the idea that they deserve or are owed the blessings they receive.  Unfortunately, we often forget those lessons when it comes to our own personal walk with the Lord.  We are very quick to make requests of the Lord but we are often very remiss in thanking Him for the blessings He sends.  All that He gives us is because of His grace.  We are not entitled to His blessings and we do not deserve the numerous provisions He gives each and every day.  Our hearts should be full of gratitude to the Lord and our mouths should be full of praise for His gracious gifts.

GOD REMOVES THE NATIONS THAT OPPOSE: There are many nations that rise up in arrogance against the Lord and His people.  The refuse to recognize the Lord’s sovereignty and they stand against God’s authority.  Instead of worshiping Him as they were created to do; they make war against His people and try to demonstrate their own power.  God will not allow such nations to persist unpunished for Long.  David saw many nations rise up against him.  These nations were blinded by idolatry and their own agendas in such a way that they sought to attack the Lord’s chosen people and threatened to kill David.  Their plans were frustrated and they were removed from the face of the earth.  There are times where wicked nations were allowed to destroy Israel as God judged His people for their unfaithfulness.  However, we can all rest assured that every nations and every person who rebels against the Lord, opposes His people  and refuses to recognize Him as Lord will be removed from this earth in eternal judgment.

GOD RESTORES THE PEOPLE THAT ARE OPPRESSED: When those who fear God and live for His glory are oppressed, they can be sure that God will restore them.  He is a refuge for those who are under the attack of evil men and evil nations.  God does not forget or forsake those who seek Him and live to please Him.  There are times that those who follow the Lord will be oppressed and it will appear that the wicked are triumphing over them, but this is a temporary state that God will make right.  No matter how difficult things may seem; we must continue to place our faith and trust in the Lord.  He is our refuge and our strength.  Praise and thanksgiving should always be on our lips because we know that He is just and that even when it seems that the wicked are winning; their victory will be incomplete and short-lived.  God is with us, He is our defender and our strength.  Not because we deserve any of these blessings but because He is a great, gracious and merciful God who is worthy of all our praise.


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