Psalms 4:1-8

Interpersonal relationships are one of the most difficult things that we face in our lives especially when they stem from false accusations.  Leaders must get used to the fact that they will almost always be the objects of rumors, misunderstandings and even lies.  This happens because men are by nature jealous and proud so they naturally think that they could do a better job if given the chance.  It also happens to godly leaders because Satan wants to attack them so that they will become distracted and less effective in the work of the ministry.  David is being attacked by the lies of wicked men who what to destroy his reputation and overthrow his reign.  When this kind of thing happens to us, our tendency is to toss and turn in our beds, worry about the results of these lies and sometimes even plot how we can get revenge.  David suggests a much different approach: prayer.  We must learn to take our interpersonal conflicts to the Lord in prayer.

CONFLICT COMES FROM FALLEN MEN: David was not a perfect man by any means but he was a man whose heart was sensitive to the Lord and who desired to please God with every area of his life.  When he sinned he repented of that sin and he sought to be faithful and just in his dealings with men.  However, not all men are like this.  There are many wicked and perverse men around us who have no fear of God and they have great resentment towards those who do fear and follow the Lord.  They will always cause conflict because their character and their desires are in conflict with the instructions of the Word of God.  They will do all that they can do discredit and/or distract a godly leader because they hate justice and they want their sin to have free reign.  Godly leaders must be aware that this kind of conflict will come as long as we seek to serve the Lord in this fallen world.  This is why Paul and James both tell us to rejoice in suffering because it is a sign that we are on the right path.  If there is an absence of conflict we should take time to evaluate if we are truly on the path of righteousness.

CONFIDENCE COMES FROM OUR FAITHFUL GOD: In the face of conflict we are not without our resources.  Our first line of defense is the Word of God, because if we are following God’s Word; none of these false accusations will stick.  Our second line of defense is prayer and trust in the Lord whom we serve.  He will make things right in His time and His way.  He is a faithful and all-knowing judge.  When men misjudge us we can rest assured that God judges us correctly.  God will protect us and has set the godly apart for His purposes.  He hears and answers our prayers and can give us relief when that is what He decides is best or He can give us peace in the midst of difficult circumstances.  Either way, we can take great comfort in the provision of the Lord in our lives through prayer.  The wicked my get some temporary pleasure from the benefits they contrive through lies and dishonest gain.  The righteous who trust in God will have constant joy and peace that allows us to praise the Lord and rest in His care no matter how many wicked men try to tear us down.    


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