Psalms 8:1-9

Awesome is one of the most overused words in our vocabulary today.  We hear this word used to describe insignificant events or objects in phrases like: “those french fries were awesome.”  I think we should reserve that word for those jaw dropping, breath taking, inspirational moments like when we walk up to the rim of the Grand Canyon or hold our child for the first time and even more accurately, when we consider the majesty of God.  In this Psalm David stands in awe of God and the works of His hands.  In these moments when we recognize God’s power we should do as David does and praise Him.  He truly is awesome and our recognition of His majesty should cause two reactions in our lives.

WE MUST HERALD HIS GREATNESS: When we come to grips with and recognize the glory of God we must open our mouths in praise of His greatness and fall on our knees in worship.  There are so many parts of His creation that cause us to shake our heads in wonder.  The number of stares, the size of the universe, the variety of animals, fish, birds and the intricacy of all that He has made is simply awesome!  We must consciously set time aside to contemplate the glory of God as revealed in creation but be very careful not to begin to worship the creation in place of the Creator.  His glory is far above anything that He has created.  We admire the works of His hands but we must only adore Him.  He is truly awesome!

WE MUST BE HUMBLED BY HIS GRACE: What is truly amazing in all of this is that the great and awesome God takes note of and care of man.  We are so imperfect and undeserving, yet He has exalted us to be the centerpiece of His creation.  He has put us in charge of the other creatures and given us dominion over the Earth.  This is truly grace and should fill our hearts with joy to have been given such privilege.  Only the angels are close to Him than we are and that is a temporary state that will end when His eternal kingdom is established and His plan of redemption has been completely culminated.  None of this glory is deserved by man; it is simply God’s grace and His blessing in our lives.  This realization should humble us before Him and cause our lips to echo the words of David: “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” 


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