Psalm 11:1-8

There is a clear contrast between the just and the unjust.  There is not only a contrast between their actions but also between God’s treatment of them.  The wicked may flourish for a time in their oppression of the godly, just as the godly may suffer under the affliction on the wicked.  However, this is a very temporary situation.  Even though it may seem that God is not aware of this situation or that He is powerless to change it; that is a false perception.  The truth is that God knows exactly what is going on, not only in deeds, but also in thoughts and motives of the heart.  He will step in and set things straight according to His perfect timing.

GOD IS A REFUGE FOR THE RIGHTEOUS: When the righteous are attacked by the unrighteous, they are not without hope.  They can find refuge and strength in the Lord.  God gives them the opportunity to trust Him.  They may be tested and tried in their faith, but they will find hope and help in the Lord.  God loves the righteous and He will reward them as well as rescue them.  We must not lose hope in the midst of difficult circumstances or when the unrighteous afflict or persecute us.  These are only temporary trials that God will use to build our character and prepare us for the rich rewards He has prepared for those who love and fear Him.

GOD IS A JUDGE OF THE UNJUST: When the unrighteous stand before the Lord on the Day of Judgment, they will be totally and completely without hope.  God will reveal all of their wicked deeds and there will be no place for them to hide.  God hates them and their wicked deeds.  He will send them into everlasting punishment.  They may enjoy brief moments of prosperity and be victorious for fleeting moments on the earth; but their permanent destination is that of destruction.  We must prepare for difficulties while we live on earth but we can be assured of God’s deliverance.  Those who prosper through evil will face certain judgment from God that will endure for all of eternity.


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