Psalms 7:1-17

It is easy to fool others.  It is possible to fool ourselves.  It is impossible to fool God.  David finds himself in a fight for his life where he is being falsely accused by a man name Cush who was from the tribe of Benjamin.  Saul was also from this tribe, so it is most likely that these false accusations were fabricated out of jealousy for David’s popularity and the fact that Samuel had anointed him as king.  Saul and his armies were dedicated to the destruction of David, and these false accusations were more than likely some of the fuel that fed this campaign.  Even though David has proven his loyalty to Saul over and over again; he finds himself running for his life in fear of destruction at the hands of his enemies.  David calls out in this passage for God to treat him and his enemies with justice.  Cush may have been able to convince Saul and the armies of Israel that David was disloyal and dishonest but God was not fooled so David asks God to treat him and his accusers according to the truth.

GOD IS A DEFENDER OF THE JUST: David calls God as his witness and asks for God’s protection based on the truth that he was innocent of the crimes with which he was charged.  David asks God to allow his enemies to snuff out his life if the accusations against him were true.  David is confident of his own innocence and he is even more confident in God’s justice.  He calls God his shield because of his integrity.  God is the only truly righteous judge that is always correct because He is not limited to the testimony of sinful men who are easily deceived.  God knows our minds and our hearts perfectly and judges us accordingly.  This is sobering truth that is also very soothing to those who have been misunderstood or misjudged.  If we want God to defend us as our shield and we want to stand before Him with confidence at the judgment; we must follow David’s example of loyalty, obedience and justice.

GOD IS A DESTROYER OF THE UNJUST: There are those who seek to destroy the just by any means at their disposal.  They are evil and the enemies of all who seek to please the Lord.  In an effort to feel better about themselves and in order to deflect attention to others they make up lies that are used to attack those who love and fear the Lord.  Unfortunately they are able to convince large numbers of people to follow their lead; but they cannot fool God.  David calls upon the Lord to destroy the destroyers, to expose them for the frauds that they are and then judge them according to their deeds.  God is able to make the evil that they plot come back against them in this life so that they almost always end up falling into the trap that they set; but He will also judge them in eternity.  The destruction of sinners who do not repent is sure and it will be complete.  God will be forever praised and exulted because of His perfect judgment.  We must live in light of that truth every day.


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