Psalm 119:105-112

Light is a tremendous blessing in our lives.  It allows us to see where we should go and helps us to avoid many dangers that may lie in our way.  The Word of God is a light in our spiritual walk.  It shows us where we should walk and also helps us be able to avoid the traps and pitfalls that so often lie in our way.  Neglecting God’s Word is the physical equivalent of trying to go through life with your eyes closed.  Even in our own homes where we are very aware of the placement of every item we have a tendency to smack into that coffee table on our way to the refrigerator for a glass of water in the middle of the night when we try to navigate our way without turning on the light.  It is far more dangerous to navigate in our spiritual walk without the light of God’s Word illuminating our paths.

WE MUST VOW TO FOLLOW GOD’S WORD: If God’s Word if truly a light then it only makes sense that we would vow to follow the path that is illuminated by that light.  It is senseless for us to try to grope around in the darkness where there are untold dangers lurking at every step when God’s Word shines a clear and safe passage all along the way for us to follow.  We must commit ourselves to following the path that the Lord has shown us and then keep that promise all the days of our lives.  Evil and wicked men will always try to distract us from the path of God’s Word or even lay traps to ensnare us as we follow God’s Word.  However, if we are faithful to spend time in God’s Word and committed to following the path His Word shows us we will not be distracted by these evil plots and we will not fall into the trap of these evil men.  Unfortunately, many ignore the Word of God and blindly walk into trap after trap.

WE MUST VALUE THE TRUTH OF GOD’S WORD: We must learn to value the Word of God as our most precious possession.  We must long for God’s instruction and cry out for the Lord to give us understanding of His Word.  When we place a high value on something we are constantly trying to find a way to get more of it or protect what we have.  We should be constantly seeking for more exposure to the Word of God and working diligently to retain our knowledge of God’s Word in any way that we can.  We should see God’s Word as a precious heritage from the Lord and then incline our hearts to follow the instructions of God’s Word because they are so very precious to us.


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