Psalm 119:97-104

Loving God’s Word should describe every true follower of the Lord Jesus.  Fearing God and loving His Word are synonymous thoughts.  There are numerous benefits to loving God’s Word and there are very clear ways that we should demonstrate that love of God’s Word in our lives.  It is easy to say that we love God’s Word because we all know that we should love God’s Word.  However, love by obligation is not really love.  If we are going to truly love God’s Word as the psalmist suggests, we must recognize and appreciate the advantages that God’s Word provides and then demonstrate an attitude towards God’s Word that is consistent with loving God’s Word.

THE ADVANTAGES OF LOVING GOD’S WORD: The Psalmist says he loves God’s Word and gives several reasons why he does so.  First of all, he sees that God’s Word gives him an advantage over his enemies.  Because he knows and loves God’s Word he has a wisdom that surpasses that of his enemies and therefor he is able to escape their attacks, avoid their traps and be victorious over them.  Satan is always looking for ways to make us fall.  Loving God’s Word is key to us gaining victory over him.  God’s Word also made the psalmist wiser than all of his teachers.  If we love God’s Word we will never stop growing, and eventually we will be wiser than those who used to teach us.  God’s Word is able to make us have wisdom far beyond our years.  Experience is a very good teacher but God’s Word is a far more valuable instructor than the mere passing of time and experience.  If we neglect God’s Word we run the risk of being foolish old men and women.  If we will love God’s Word we will have wisdom over our enemies, our teachers and even our elders.

THE ATTITUDE OF LOVING GOD’S WORD: It is one thing to say that we love God’s Word, but it is another thing entirely to actually demonstrate that we love God’s Word.  If we love God’s Word, we will show it by obey it and keeping our feet from following the paths of unrighteousness.  We will pay close attention to God’s Word and delight in the opportunity to spend time in God’s Word.  The instructions of the Lord will sound sweet to our ears and taste sweet to our mouths.  We will understand God’s Words and the more we gain knowledge of Him; the more we will have sin and evil.  We cannot claim to love God’s Word and then be disobedient or negligent of it.  When we love something or someone it is a joy to spend time in the company of that person.  The same is true of God’s Word.  We demonstrate our love of God’s Word by enjoying our time in the Bible, being submissive to God’s instructions and having a great distaste for all that contradicts what we find in God’s Word.  


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